Documentation is updated (it may take some time to be live).
Sample response of RPT introspection endpoint is:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
"active": true,
"exp": 1256953732,
"iat": 1256912345,
"permissions": [
"resource_set_id": "112210f47de98100",
"scopes": [
"exp" : 1256953732
The best way to know exact endpoint path is to call UMA discovery, usually `https://<gluu server>/.well-known/uma-configuration`
In response of discovery request one of the json keys is:
"introspection_endpoint" : "https://<gluu server>/oxauth/seam/resource/restv1/rpt/status",
About authorization, Gluu Server sticks to UMA 1.0.1 and requires token to have `uma_protection` scope. Make sure that during token creation you requested scope=uma_protection.
Here is sample of token creation in Java:
Full UMA Flow test ``