I was able to execute the command provided by @Mohammad.Abudayyeh to update the certificates, thanks for that!
However, this only updated the keys/keystores and not the SCIM configuration, so now I need to update `scimUmaClientKeyStoreFile` and `scimUmaClientKeyStorePassword` to reflect the new values.
What is the default used by Certificate Manager for the SCIM keystore password that I can replace in this script?
import base64
from pyDes import *
data = '<password>'
engine = triple_des('<salt>', ECB, pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)
data = data.encode('ascii')
en_data = engine.encrypt(data)
print base64.b64encode(en_data)
(and also `umaAatClientJksPassword` in `TestScimClient.java`?)