By: Luis Pedrosa user 10 Jan 2022 at 12:20 p.m. CST

9 Responses
Luis Pedrosa gravatar
I've configured an Inbound Identity Provider using Passport and I noticed that it requires the `userinfo_endpoint` to be defined in the `Passport > Provider > Provider Options` section. For context, our use case is the following: * the user selects this external identity provider at login screen * the user identifies themselves by providing their phone number * the user phone number is validated * the identity provider redirects the user with a `code` and an ID token We would expect Passport to: * validate the ID token * extract the sub claim * check if there is an existing user where `sub == (gluuPerson.uid)` Shouldn't Passport be able to map the inbound identity to an existing `gluuPerson`, solely based on the ID token `subject` claim?

By Aliaksandr Samuseu staff 10 Jan 2022 at 1:02 p.m. CST

Aliaksandr Samuseu gravatar
Hi, Luis. As far as I can remember, the mapping itself happens within the Jython script, it doesn't done by Passport. So theoretically you could customize mapping behaviour to suite your needs. I suppose you are trying to configure Inbound OpenID Connect strategy? Have you already tried it out without providing `/userinfo` endpoint, and it failed?

By Luis Pedrosa user 11 Jan 2022 at 5:06 a.m. CST

Luis Pedrosa gravatar
> So theoretically you could customize mapping behaviour to suite your needs. I understand. I was trying to keep it as vanilla as possible, regarding the mapping. That's why asked about the `sub` matching gluu's internal user id (which I believe is `uid` from gluu's perspective) > have you already tried it out without providing /userinfo endpoint, and it failed? Yes. I've tried it without defining the `/userinfo` endpoint and the auth flow seems to hang after the user comes back from the inbound provider with the `code`. I can see from our logs that the `code` was exchanged for a token successfully, which further supports this theory. However, I can't see anything in the Passport logs that mention any missing `/userinfo` endpoint or even a `connectTimeout`, which I would expect if Passport can't hit that endpoint and it gives up. Is there any configuration I can tweak to get more verbose logs from Passport? Bear in mind I'm using the pygluu-compose script to start up the gluu stack.

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 12 Jan 2022 at 9:38 a.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
What is the value of the subject claim? Is it the phone number?

By Luis Pedrosa user 12 Jan 2022 at 10:24 a.m. CST

Luis Pedrosa gravatar
First I used the `inum` field, but I've changed it to the `username`. For some extra context, before we do any phone verification we query for gluu Users through the SCIM API e.g. `filter=phoneNumbers[value eq '555555']`. This is so we can build the ID token with the right set of claims and hopefully Passport will say "yeah, this `sub` exists and it's not an external identity". However, like I've mentioned in my initial post, it seems that it requires a `/userinfo` endpoint to be defined when we register the Provider. Would you be able to clarify if that is the case, or could it work with just reading the ID token claims?

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 12 Jan 2022 at 10:36 a.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
As Alex pointed out, we don't recommend any of this business logic in passport-js. We just use passport to normalize the authn/claims. But what is the sub coming in from the external IDP? I'm not sure if passport-js passes the id_token itself from the external IDP.

By Luis Pedrosa user 12 Jan 2022 at 11:08 a.m. CST

Luis Pedrosa gravatar
So from what I understood: * if I want to do something like "there's this inbound identity with a given `sub`, check if it matches an internal gluu user `inum` or `username` and log them in", I have to do that through the Jython script? * Passport is simply managing the auth flow before the normalized claims are sent to the Jython auth script? * Passport requires a `/userinfo` endpoint to be specified (maybe?) > But what is the sub coming in from the external IDP? The `sub` coming in would be the gluu `inum`. We play the role of the external IDP. We don't actually own or store any identity, thus the SCIM API query to gluu. My initial integration idea was: * you create an OIDC client on our side (tru.ID) with a `redirect_uri` that points to your gluu installation * you configure an Inbound Identity Provider on gluu, with the credential information obtained from the previous step * you run a sample app that will handle the phone verification flow Then all the user has to do to login with their phone is: * when presented with the gluu auth screen, click the new Provider entry to login * they would be redirected to a tru.ID page to input their phone number * perform the phone verification * on result, they would be redirected back to gluu, so their external identity could be mapped to an existing gluu User

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 12 Jan 2022 at 11:45 a.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
You may be making this more complicated then it has to be. Is the goal 1) to introduce an OpenID Connect interface for SaaS service or... 2) to enable customers with a Gluu Server to be able to use for authentication / enrollment?

By Luis Pedrosa user 12 Jan 2022 at 11:59 a.m. CST

Luis Pedrosa gravatar
That is quite possibly the case. I would say: We want to offer an OpenID connect interface to make it easier for customer to leverage a SIM based authentication factor.

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 12 Jan 2022 at 12:58 p.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Ok, then I wouldn't worry about setting up a Gluu Server as a customer demo.... I would just setup a simple mod_auth_openidc client to show that a client can use as an OpenID Provider. Configuring inbound identity is a pain in the neck, and it's just not worth it for a demo here. Ultimately, the customer will more likely be using Okta. So net-net, I think you're almost done :-)