By: Joe Smith user 23 Jan 2022 at 2:03 p.m. CST

1 Response
Joe Smith gravatar
I am using qr-request and validate-code to create OTP for user to sign in with Google Authenticator. First, I generate the QR code which works just fine. Occasionally, I can get the latter step to work and the API returns MATCH or NO_MATCH. As of late, all I get as a response is FAILURE. The request has not changed ## expected match or no_match ## actual FAILURE ## request Getting the QR code (qr-request) works just fine without fail. This is the GET request: "" ## logs ==> /opt/gluu/jetty/casa/logs/2022_01_23.jetty.log <== 23-01 20:55:06.841 INFO Authorization passed ==> /opt/gluu/jetty/casa/logs/casa.log <== 23-01 20:55:06.841 TRACE [qtp1127224355-17] validateCode WS operation called ==> /opt/gluu/jetty/casa/logs/2022_01_23.jetty.log <== 23-01 20:55:06.841 TRACE validateCode WS operation called

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 23 Jan 2022 at 5:57 p.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
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