By: Tomas Liljebergh user 20 Feb 2023 at 6:44 a.m. CST

4 Responses
Tomas Liljebergh gravatar
After adding support for a second identity provider (OP) using iodc and passport we are experiencing problems with the passport process getting non responsive. If we restart the passport process, (service passport restart) everything starts to work again as expected for a short amount of time (20-30-minutes) and users can start logging in as expected using any of the 2 configured providers. During this we have tried to monitor processes, cpu and memory but none of them indicates any problems. None of the loggfiles indicates any problems during the time the process is stuck. Only thing we can find that could be a problem is --max-old-space-size that is set to 541 MB on the passport process: /opt/node/bin/node --max-old-space-size=541 /opt/gluu/node/passport/server/app.js Can that be a problem? Is it too low and what number do you recommend to use? Are there any other recommended settings we should use? Regards Tomas

By Mohib Zico Account Admin 28 Mar 2023 at 12:43 p.m. CDT

Mohib Zico gravatar
@Kiran.Mali: Any thought on Thomas's issue?

By Kiran Mali staff 29 Mar 2023 at 12:55 a.m. CDT

Kiran Mali gravatar
Hello Tomas, Gluu Setup sets `--max-old-space-size` as per your available memory size. There are many services runs in Gluu Server. The recommended system requirements are [here]( May I know your VM's RAM size? Thank you!

By Tomas Liljebergh user 30 Mar 2023 at 7:06 a.m. CDT

Tomas Liljebergh gravatar
Actaually we resolved this sometime ago. The problem was that the config for passport was set to only allow 100 connections per 24 hours as default. This was not mentioned in the documentation and is a rather low number. After setting this to 10000 / hour passport been running for about a month now without any problem. Feel free to close this.

By Kiran Mali staff 30 Mar 2023 at 8:51 a.m. CDT

Kiran Mali gravatar
Hi Tomas, It is in docs [here]( The default is 1000 connections in 24 Hr. Also in this case your passport.log should say `HTTP 429 Too Many Requests`. but no problem, glad it fixed your problem. Closing issue. Thank you!