The cache refresh config is stored in the `oxTrustConfCacheRefresh` attribute in the entry
I don't have a problem setting the password on LDAP server two:
"sourceConfigs": [
"configId": "MyLDAP",
"bindDN": "cn=directory manager",
"bindPassword": "YbKcVYCmTbs=",
"servers": [
"maxConnections": 0,
"useSSL": true,
"baseDNs": [
"primaryKey": null,
"localPrimaryKey": null,
"useAnonymousBind": false,
"enabled": false,
"version": 0,
"level": 0
"configId": "otherLDAP",
"bindDN": "cn=manager",
"bindPassword": "YbKcVYCmTbs=",
"servers": [
"maxConnections": 0,
"useSSL": true,
"baseDNs": [
"primaryKey": null,
"localPrimaryKey": null,
"useAnonymousBind": false,
"enabled": false,
"version": 0,
"level": 0
If you need to upate this entry iva LDIF, it's tricky because it's a multi-line value which needs to be indented properly. You should consider using an LDAP browser like JExplorer which will make it easier for you. I use an ssh tunnel port 1636 to my local workstation so I can connect on localshot and use JExplorer.
Also, the password is two way encrypted with triple des. To properly encode, in the container, use:
# /opt/gluu/bin/ secret
Where secret = the password and delete that command from your `.bash_history`!
Please post to this issue if you this entry is really not populated properly with the bindPW of LDAP server 2!