This is our first installation of GLUU so none of the below are applicable to us,
Generally it happens if you 'change' any working condition. Say:
Your RP was connected with another Gluu Server. Now this is a new Gluu Server.
You upgraded your old Gluu Server to latest 3.x.x, which didn't go well.
Some configuration ( connectivity to OP ) changed.
We modified the path to the keystore in to point to our the gluu default path.
Resolutions would be:
Restore old configuration.
Make sure 'oxauth-keys.jks' and 'oxauth-keys.json' ( /etc/certs ) are in good condition.
Tried to run a keytool -list command on oxauth-keys.jks but the password seems to be different. We have a keystore password that we tried but go the same error