By: Sakit Atakishiyev user 02 Jun 2017 at 2:15 a.m. CDT

17 Responses
Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Hello, Can I return extra parametr when redirecting? Currently when we redirect user after login OP return `code`, `state`, `session_state` parameters when `grant_type` is `authorization _code`. Can I add my custom parameter or not?

By Yuriy Zabrovarnyy staff 03 Jun 2017 at 3:57 a.m. CDT

Yuriy Zabrovarnyy gravatar
Hi Sakit, You can use custom header for it as described here. Thanks, Yuriy

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 03 Jun 2017 at 1:30 p.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Hi Yuriy, I could not open the link

By Yuriy Zabrovarnyy staff 03 Jun 2017 at 1:42 p.m. CDT

Yuriy Zabrovarnyy gravatar
Ok, inlined answer directly here: This can be passed via custom_response_headers parameter which is returned back as header introduced in Gluu Server 3.0.

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 03 Jun 2017 at 1:46 p.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Thanks Yuri, I will try to test

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 05 Jun 2017 at 6:03 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Hi Yuriy, Is `getAuthorizationHeaders` called in `3.0.2`? I wrote below basic script but it seems that this method was not caled. This the my code ``` # oxAuth is available under the MIT License (2008). See for full text. # Copyright (c) 2016, Gluu # # Author: Yuriy Movchan # from import Identity from org.xdi.model.custom.script.type.auth import PersonAuthenticationType from org.xdi.oxauth.service import UserService from org.xdi.util import StringHelper from java.util import HashMap import java class PersonAuthentication(PersonAuthenticationType): def __init__(self, currentTimeMillis): self.currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis def init(self, configurationAttributes): print "Basic. Initialization" print "Basic. Initialized successfully" return True def destroy(self, configurationAttributes): print "Basic. Destroy" print "Basic. Destroyed successfully" return True def getApiVersion(self): return 1 def isValidAuthenticationMethod(self, usageType, configurationAttributes): return True def getAlternativeAuthenticationMethod(self, usageType, configurationAttributes): return None def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step): print("Basic Test") if (step == 1): print "Basic. Authenticate for step 1" credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials() user_name = credentials.getUsername() user_password = credentials.getPassword() logged_in = False if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)): userService = UserService.instance() logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password) if (not logged_in): return False return True else: return False def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step): if (step == 1): print "Basic. Prepare for Step 1" return True else: return False def getExtraParametersForStep(self, configurationAttributes, step): return None def getCountAuthenticationSteps(self, configurationAttributes): return 1 def getPageForStep(self, configurationAttributes, step): return "" def logout(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters): return True def getAuthenticationMethodClaims(self): print("Get extra param") params = HashMap() params.put("username","test") params.put("phone", "xxxxxxxxx") print("custom_header: %s") %params return params ```

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 05 Jun 2017 at 8:50 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
I also try `custom_response_headers` but it does not return me extra params. I mean system returns me only `code`,`state`,`session_state`

By Yuriy Zabrovarnyy staff 05 Jun 2017 at 10:53 a.m. CDT

Yuriy Zabrovarnyy gravatar
Yes, it should work in 3.0.2. Let me assign it to appropriate developer.

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 05 Jun 2017 at 10:55 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
I tested it but this method was not caled. I also share my code. my `auth_url` ```!54B8.E44B.A17C.A9E8!0001!5BD7.7FEA!0008!7BBF.7AFA.A678.7FB3&response_type=code&acr_values=basic_test& ``` and this is the my `oxauth.log` ``` 2017-06-05 15:43:21,088 INFO [qtp242131142-17] [org.xdi.oxauth.auth.Authenticator] ( - Authentication success for User: 'admin' 2017-06-05 15:51:13,367 INFO [qtp242131142-15] [org.xdi.oxauth.service.AuthenticationService] ( - Attempting to redirect user: SessionUser: SessionState, dn='oxAuthSessionId=3ec4153f-3d90-4b1c-8e11-aa4bc328aa4f,ou=session,o=@!54B8.E44B.A17C.A9E8!0001!5BD7.7FEA,o=gluu', id='3ec4153f-3d90-4b1c-8e11-aa4bc328aa4f', isJwt=false, lastUsedAt=Mon Jun 05 15:51:13 UTC 2017, userDn='inum=@!54B8.E44B.A17C.A9E8!0001!5BD7.7FEA!0000!A8F2.DE1E.D7FB,ou=people,o=@!54B8.E44B.A17C.A9E8!0001!5BD7.7FEA,o=gluu', authenticationTime=Mon Jun 05 15:51:13 UTC 2017, state=authenticated, permissionGranted=null, permissionGrantedMap=org.xdi.oxauth.model.common.SessionIdAccessMap@412779b7, sessionAttributes={auth_step=1, acr=basic_test, remote_ip=, scope=openid uma_protection uma_authorization user_name, display=popup, acr_values=basic_test, response_type=code, redirect_uri=, client_id=@!54B8.E44B.A17C.A9E8!0001!5BD7.7FEA!0008!7BBF.7AFA.A678.7FB3, response_mode=form_post, auth_user=admin}, persisted=true} 2017-06-05 15:51:13,369 INFO [qtp242131142-15] [org.xdi.oxauth.service.AuthenticationService] ( - Attempting to redirect user: User: org.xdi.oxauth.model.common.User@32a48819 2017-06-05 15:51:13,375 INFO [qtp242131142-15] [org.xdi.oxauth.auth.Authenticator] ( - Authentication success for User: 'admin' ```

By Javier Rojas staff 05 Jun 2017 at 11:14 a.m. CDT

Javier Rojas gravatar
Hello Sakit, In version 3.0.2 you can use the Custom Response Headers feature, please check the following example: Regards Javier

By Javier Rojas staff 05 Jun 2017 at 11:16 a.m. CDT

Javier Rojas gravatar
Also, version 3.1.0 will come with Support for Encoding claims in the OAuth 2 state parameter using a JWT:

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 05 Jun 2017 at 12:54 p.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Hi Javier, I already check the example that you mentioned. But when OP redirect my user after successfull login it did not send me extra params. Returns only `code`,`state` and `session_state`. I posted my `oxauth.log` also.

By Javier Rojas staff 05 Jun 2017 at 3:36 p.m. CDT

Javier Rojas gravatar
Please check the extra params in the HTTP response headers, for example: **REQUEST** ``` POST /oxauth/seam/resource/restv1/oxauth/authorize HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic dGVzdF91c2VyOnRlc3RfdXNlcl9wYXNzd29yZA== response_type=code&client_id=%40%215A58.AE0D.D383.1E46%210001%21E38B.7DBE%210008%21055D.C9D8.8C49.D4A9&scope=openid+profile+address+email& ``` **RESPONSE** ``` HTTP/1.1 302 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 0 CustomHeader1: custom_header_value_1 CustomHeader2: custom_header_value_2 CustomHeader3: custom_header_value_3 Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 16:06:52 GMT Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100 Location: Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=B881855C9290D8A8C74655B28FE0C798; Path=/oxauth/; Secure; HttpOnly;HttpOnly ```

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 06 Jun 2017 at 12:40 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Should I use only `POST` request or does not matter

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 06 Jun 2017 at 1:27 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
I tested but OP does not return my `custom_response_headers`. I attach my logs [oxauth](, [request](, [response](, [form_data]( I have two steps for authenticate my user. Each of them has own page. At the first step I can see my `custome_response_headers` params in my `request` but not in `response` headers. When OP send me to my second page I don't see my `custom_response_headers` neither my `request` or `response` headers

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 06 Jun 2017 at 3:21 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Let me explain my case. When user redirect to OP for login he enters his phone number. Then OP send him to second page and verify code. If everything ok OP redirect my user to my web site. I want to know that phone number. How can I send this phone number when redirecting my user to my web site? Is it possible or not

By Yuriy Zabrovarnyy staff 06 Jun 2017 at 10:15 a.m. CDT

Yuriy Zabrovarnyy gravatar
Sakit, It seems you want to pass phone explicitly which does not look very secure. You can put "phone" claim (add it to "profile" or create new "phone" scope) and then if user is logged in you can check claim in `id_token` or otherwise call `/user_info` endpoint to get claims (including phone). So each user will have phone on AS side and once authenticated you can always get it. No need to pass it via customer parameter. Does it make sense ? Thanks, Yuriy

By Sakit Atakishiyev user 06 Jun 2017 at 10:21 a.m. CDT

Sakit Atakishiyev gravatar
Yuriy may be you are right but phone number just an example. The info which we return to back is public.