thanks for your answer!
I authorized the uma_protection scope for the client and tried "manually" (a combination of oxauth-rp and curl) to authenticate by token using the uma_protection scope: it works.
But with the apache module mod_auth_openidc it does not work because the only authentication that it can use is by password (basic authentication) but apparently the gluu server does not support it. By the way it works with the MITRE OIDC server using basic authentication (introspection has to be allowed for the client in the server configuration).
In the "OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection" RFC both authentication methods are given as examples (cf. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7662#section-2.1).
- Is it possible to use basic authentication for token introspection in Gluu?
- If not, could it be added as a configurable option?
PS: it would be nice if the test tool oxauth-rp had also a pane/module to try token introspection in various contexts.
Thanks in advance for your help.
if you prefer I can open a new issue for this topic (incompatibility with mod_auth_oidc).
Thanks !