Hi, Matt.
FYI: I've done some studies of current code, and it looks like it what you need can be achieved. It won't be as simple as "add any user from backend's admins to Gluu's Managers", of course, more like "parse the list of provided attributes, find the membership attribute, check whether there is certain pattern in its value, and if it's there add this user to Managers group". But it should work. Though, as mentioned, developing custom scripts is not covered by Community support.
>I edited to default ALL users to the same organization (see below). I also removed all the munging. My cache refresh has run several times since then but each time, I check the user in the local user search in gluu and it seems that the users are not being updated
There are some peculiarities with CR. If cached entries for those users had been already created by CR before you enabled your script (like, you first enabled CR, then added script after some time), they won't be updated until they will be changed in backend next time. CR uses checksums of sets of attributes it receives at each pulling from backend to figure out whether it needs to further act on this user. If there are no changes it skips that user. A good way to trigger complete update is to flush contents of its working directory (please check its main tab in web UI for the actual path to it)
>Is there a way to clear the user cache and forcing a full refresh?
The method described above will only clean CR's current snapshot data, thus from its perspective all users in backend will suddenly become changed and it will try to update all their cached entries in internal LDAP. If you need to completely flush it, removing all cached entries, there is no obvious way to do it currently. A couple workarounds for it:
1. Temporarily change baseDN CR uses at your backend to some DN with zero users under it. From CR's perspective it will look like all users were deleted in backend, and it will proceed with removing them from local cache. Then you can point it back to previous baseDN
2. Remove the cached entries manually. The process is somewhat obscure. May be we should actually put it in a separate doc, thanks for asking.
>Additionally, I don't see my script ever running in any logs (I'm assuming it would be in /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/logs/oxtrust_cache_refresh_python.log?
It's `oxtrust_script.log`, all outputs should be there.
>Also I noticed while waiting my 5 minutes it seems the refresh doesn't actually run on my interval. At this point, it has ben 19 minutes and still waiting on may latest refresh which is supposed to be on a 5 minute interval.
Not sure what could cause it. Are you checking its progress in `oxtrust_cache_refresh.log`, correct?