By: Robert Polasek user 06 Dec 2017 at 10:36 a.m. CST

1 Response
Robert Polasek gravatar
Hello, I am trying to run gluu Identity management server as containers in Kubernetes cluster. I am using your docker images as a base. I am facing issues with deployment and the actual issue depends on start up order of the services. Here is how I start my containers in Kubernetes. 1) I start consul first. All the volumes used by consul for the previous run are deleted. After simple verification that key value store is empty, I run locally following command to initialize consul with initial keys and values. ``` CONSUL= docker run --rm \ -v /home/robert/src/hubub-kubernetes/forgerock/keystore/2017/bundle.crt:/etc/certs/gluu_https.crt \ -v /home/robert/src/hubub-kubernetes/forgerock/keystore/2017/hubub.key.nopass:/etc/certs/gluu_https.key \ gluufederation/config-init:3.1.1_rev1.0.0-beta3 \ --admin-pw my-password \ --email 'my-email@email.domain' \ --domain \ --org-name 'Stagwell' \ --kv-host $CONSUL \ --kv-port 8500 \ --save ``` 2) When step 1) is completed, I verify that keys are populated in consul. Next I start OpenLDAP container in Kubernetes. As image I use I am using gluufederation/openldap:3.1.1_dev. I supply following environment variables for the container: - GLUU_KV_HOST - GLUU_KV_PORT - GLUU_LDAP_INIT - GLUU_LDAP_INIT_HOST - GLUU_LDAP_INIT_PORT 3) When OpenLDAP is fully up, I start the rest of the containers. Images used are gluufederation/oxtrust:3.1.1_dev, gluufederation/oxauth:3.1.1_dev, gluufederation/key-rotation:3.1.1_dev and gluufederation/nginx:3.1.1_dev. I tested 2 different scenarios where each produces different issues. 3a) If I start them all the remaining containers at once, one of them modifies attribute oxIDPAuthentication of LDAP entry DN: inum=@!XXXX,ou=appliances,o=gluu and changes its value from \"servers\": [\"\"] to \"servers\": [\"localhost:1389\"] which results in following error on oxAuth server: ``` 2017-12-03 16:59:46,448 ERROR [qtp204349222-15] [org.xdi.oxauth.service.AuthenticationService] ( - Failed to find entries with baseDN: o=gluu, filter: (&(&(objectClass=top))(&(uid=admin))) 2017-12-03 16:59:46,451 INFO [qtp204349222-15] [org.xdi.oxauth.auth.Authenticator] ( - Authentication failed for 'admin' ``` It took me a while to figure out what is happening since I expected that in a case where oxauth connects to localhost and there is no LDAP running there, the message should state connection failure rather than entry not found. 3b) If I start the remaining containers in following sequence, in many cases I am facing with oxAuth issue, where following exception with a call stack log is generated (please see 1) oxauth 2) oxtrust 3) keyrotation 4) nginx While 3a sounds to me like some kind of bug which might be related to way I try to run containers, I would certainly appreciate help with 3B, since I am stuck there. While I will be waiting for your response I try to do some debugging to get the understanding of the problem. I will post any relevant findings in this case. Thank you in advance for your help.

By William Lowe user 06 Dec 2017 at 10:42 a.m. CST

William Lowe gravatar
Robert, we do not support Docker containers currently.. you can see Mike's comment on [why we don't support Docker yet here]( It's best to stick to our chroot container deployment strategy for now. Thanks, Will