Hi, Matt.
>Currently gluu requires all info used in the redirect url to be listed in the open id connect client config
It's not just Gluu's internal decision, but requirement enforced by OIDC spec itself.
>3rd party apps that link to mine want to pass the redirecturl (as the app routing servlet) and in the state it would be {recordId: 9991, activity: "editloan"} all base64 encoded.
I'm still not quite sure I understood your goal completely, but I assume you just try to include this data (base64 of `{recordId: 9991, activity: "editloan"}` string) in the initial request to Gluu's OIDC authz endpoint, and expect it to be returned unchanged. In that case you just need to use `state` query parameter to pass it, Gluu will mirror it back to a calling app unmodified. We use this approach in our own Passport.js inbound SAML flow, and it's proved to work.
Not sure what this means then:
>For some reason the gluu js file overwrites whatever is in the state variable.
Which js file are you referring to and at what point in the flow you see the `state` parameter changed? Could you provide a HAR archive of the whole flow where this change happens? Check [this page](https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000187144&language=en_US&type=1) for more details on how to create it (I suggest to use Chrome browser for it)