>For now when token expires it unable to get user info, in that case i get Logout url using getLogoutUri method and hit it so that user will logout form Gluu server
Isn't this what you can call "automatic way to log ou an user when their access token" expires (assuming you don't do it manually and it's done by some on-page script instead)? Otherwise could you explain what is your goal in more details?
Overall, `ox-d` definitely doesn't provide such mechanics, so you'll need to invent some workarounds (as you seem already doing). It's expected that session at OP will either be ended by a call from an RP, or by a timeout of some kind. You can find out more about session timeouts [here](https://gluu.org/docs/ce/3.1.2/admin-guide/session/). Normally/by default `access token` will expire long before any kind timeout will happen, though you can adjust those values, even making your session to last the same amount of time as your `access token` does.