Hi Doma, not able find information on steps to use SCIM API's protected with UMA
I see that in the case of registering a new resource, getting permissio ticket, getting RPT from token api url you are passing the below cookies uma_session_id=327e9f03-035b-4701-80ac-0aa5e8181f52; session_state=65af9687-7b8e-454d-9abb-50eb11d98a37; org.gluu.i18n.Locale=en; session_id=e0c16e66-8c7d-46b7-8cf2-0399131382fc
No information on how to get these values?
I tried to follow the documentation provided but not able to move forward.
Can you please provide me with detailed information as i wanted to access SCIM api's with testmode=false.
Appreciate any help in this regards