By: Alejandro Calderon user 12 Jul 2019 at 7:23 p.m. CDT

1 Response
Alejandro Calderon gravatar
Hi there, I'm currently using Gluu for my users to login on my different web sites, but I developed my own sign up form on my different platforms to give them the access to create users in the Gluu Server via SCIM and it works perfectly. Currently I'm wondering for any solution for login users on my Gluu server automatically right after create them via SCIM without redirecting them to the Gluu's login page. On the other hand, if this needs a special kind of support, we can see a negotiation for developing this solution. Best regards.

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 13 Jul 2019 at 4:16 a.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Here's a hack you can use... 1. find a SCIM user attribute that is not used (or [add your own attribute](, and when you add a user via SCIM, generate a guid and write it to that attribute. Just as an example, let's say you use `transientID`. 2. Write a new custom person authentication script, let's say with Name (i.e. `acr_value`) "firstLogin" 3. After you add the user via SCIM, redirect the user's browser to the OpenID authorization endpoint with parameter for example `acr_values=firstLogin&transientID=15948658-0352-48ea-9828-ce50c5480717` 4. In the script, do an LDAP search to find that user, delete the value in LDAP (i.e. `15948658-0352-48ea-9828-ce50c5480717` in our example) and return True. Note: you should be able to get the extra request parameter in the script. There are a bunch of example of authn scripts [here](, and see the docs for writing a custom login script. If this works for you, maybe you should submit the script to github or write a blog!. That would be good karma! I'm closing the ticket, but feel free to post more info here.