Hi Sashi,
I had a word with my senior developer , we cannot using any python module which require c compilation because in gluu we are using jython rather than python so pip install won't work , you can still use java native library for ldap.
# Jython LDAP Example
from javax.naming import *
from java.util import *
from javax.naming.directory import *
# Credentials to access LDAP
user = "cn=Directory Manager"
passwd = "TopSEcret"
# Query starting point and query target
search_start = "ou=people,o=gluu"
search_target = "(objectClass=gluuPerson)"
# Setup LDAP Context Options
settings = Hashtable()
settings.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldaps://localhost:1636")
settings.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user)
settings.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, passwd)
# Connect to LDAP Server
ctx = InitialDirContext(settings)
srch = SearchControls()
# Execute LDAP Search
results = ctx.search(search_start, search_target, srch )
#Display Search
for result in results:
attributes = result.getAttributes()
for atr in attributes.getAll():
print atr
print "-"*20 ```