Hi, Todd.
That really looks like the case I mentioned. That was a bug in oxTrust which was triggered when incorrect metadata was downloaded by IDP at some point. It was fixed in 3.1.7 and 4.x packages later.
There is no easy way to fix it, restarting anything won't help definetely. The most straighforward way of fixing it is to remove all affected child TRs and the Incommon partent (via direct LDAP writes, if needed), and recreate them manually. That would be the easiest way if you would just have a few child TRs
If you have dozens of child TRs, fixing the existing Incommon TR is more time-efficient.
1. Move into container and stop "idp" and "identity" services
2. Make sure that metadata file refrenced from your Incommon TR contains a valid Incommon metadata; file should be at this location: `/opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/4ACB98637345C9B90002858F21C60006ED4F522E-sp-metadata.xml`
3. Compose LDIF file based on the output you shared in [this post](https://support.gluu.org/authentication/7757/system-error-when-attempting-to-view-trust-relationship-for-sites-federated-with-incommon/#at54768); it will look like this:
dn: inum=@!4ACB.9863.7345.C9B9!0002!858F.21C6!0006!ED4F.522E,ou=trustRelationships,inum=@!4ACB.9863.7345.C9B9!0002!858F.21C6,ou=appliances,o=gluu
changetype: modify
add: gluuEntityId
gluuEntityId: https://entityid1
gluuEntityId: https://entityid2
4. Put your LDAP admin password to `/tmp/.dpw`
5. Apply the LDIF: `# /opt/opendj/bin/ldapmodify -h -p 1636 -Z -X -D 'cn=directory manager,o=gluu' -j /tmp/.dpw -f /path/to/ldif.file`
At that point you should have a more or less valid fed TR. Start "identity" service, ideally it should re-validate your real metadata on disk and substitute those bogus entityids you used in LDIF with full list from the metadata.
Even if it won't, you should be able to access Incommon TR from web UI now. Switch the method of metadata provisioning to "File" and upload the valid metadata file manually. This should fix "oops" error when accessing child TRs.
After all TRs are accessible in web UI, you can start "idp" service again.
I would recommend upgrading anyway, as 3.0.2 is pretty old version now. Until you'll be able to upgrade, I would suggest to keep Incommon's TR metadata source at "File", and upload fresh metadata manually in controlled fashion, when you'll be able to restore previous configuration, if needed.