By: emanoel xavier named 03 Mar 2020 at 5:18 p.m. CST

3 Responses
emanoel xavier gravatar
Is it possible to register multiple redirect login uris for the same oidc client? When I attempt that I get the error "A sector identifier must be defined first." , I was under the impression OIDC supported clients registered with multiple redirect uris w/o the need of a sector ID. Along those lines, under which scenario one would define a single sector id with multiple redirect uris vs multiple sector ids (one for each redirect)? I believe sector ids are used to represent multi-tenancy so it seems if the intent is to ensure the users/accounts are trackable across apps/services one would use a multiple sectors, if that is not an issue a single sector would suffice, is that right? Thanks, Emanoel

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 03 Mar 2020 at 8:30 p.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
It is definitely possible to register multiple redirect uris. It's normal. Can you share the registration request, response, and oxAuth logs for the registration?

By emanoel xavier named 03 Mar 2020 at 9:37 p.m. CST

emanoel xavier gravatar
I am doing that through the gluu UI, but through browser inspection I see that the call to POST identity/client/updateClient.htm?cid=2 is actually returning 200 despite the error pop up. Here is the current client config in case it helps OPENID CONNECT CLIENTS DETAILS ------------------------------ - **Name:** OIDC AuthService - **Client ID:** c9b21cc1-5341-4d90-9621-9c70e482dc48 - **Subject Type:** pairwise - **Expirattion date:** Thu Feb 22 00:00:00 GMT 2120 - **ClientSecret:** XXXXXXXXXXX - **Application Type:** web - **Persist Client Authorizations:** true - **Pre-Authorization:** false - **Authentication method for the Token Endpoint:** client_secret_basic - **Logout Session Required:** false - **Include Claims In Id Token:** false - **Disabled:** false - **Login Redirect URIs:** [] - **Scopes:** [profile, openid, email, user_name, clientinfo, super_gluu_ro_session, oxd, uma_protection, mobile_phone, address, permission, phone] - **Grant types:** [authorization_code, refresh_token] - **Response types:** [code]

By Thomas Gasmyr Mougang staff 04 Mar 2020 at 3:14 a.m. CST

Thomas Gasmyr Mougang gravatar
If your URIs contains different hostname then you must define a sector identifier and then attach that sector to the corresponding client.