We made a little progress. We were able to build the Android app. Now we see this issue when the app is installed and started to run:
Two issues briefly mentioned here.
Issue 1:
Details here.
[1]The configs we fields we considered are:
[2] remove the unused library, this library is intended for crash report and it's note related to Gluu flow.
implementation('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.9.1@aar') {
transitive = true;
[3]Then the certs were created using:
Basically online tools were used for cert generation as described below:
-Generate X509 certificates online: https://www.samltool.com/self_signed_certs.php
-Format private key thành string (hex??): https://www.samltool.com/format_privatekey.php
-Format public cert (X509) thành string (hex??): https://www.samltool.com/format_x509cert.php
Issue observed when running the app in debug mode
The result is: we could run the app but the debug console is showing error about the SSL cert.
error:0c0000a2:ASN.1 encoding routines:OPENSSL_internal:NOT_ENOUGH_DATA
Issue 2
To test the built and installed super gluu android app, the following was done.
[1] enabled super gluu for oxTrust in the Configuuration->Manage Authentication->Default Authentication method after enabling super gluu auth script
[2] created a user account
[3] Hit the Gluu server admin portal url
[4] logged in using user account credentials
[5]Then saw an option to scan QR code. Used scan QR code and scanned using the built Androd app.
[6]Then saw Aprove/ Deny option for authentication
Issue illustration with logs:
[7] When authentication was chosen in the built Android app, the following error was seen on Android app:
Invalid Token. Fido U2F token response is invalid
These are the Android debugging logs
Parsing datetime issue: E/org.gluu.super_gluu.app.fragment.RequestDetailFragment: Failed to parse ISO date/time: 2022-01-12T04:37:29Z java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2022-01-12T04:37:29Z"
Parsing ceritifcate issue:E/cert-utils: Failed to parce ceritifcatejava.security.cert.CertificateException: com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory$ParsingException: com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory$ParsingException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error:0c0000a2:ASN.1 encoding routines:OPENSSL_internal:NOT_ENOUGH_DATA