Hi Andrew,
There is special page in oxAuth which allows to resume authentication process after getting authorization code: /postlogin . This is empty page which just call "#{authenticator.authenticateWithOutcome}" to continue process.
But before redirecting to LinkedIn for authentication you should call next method:
print "LinkedIn prepare for step 1. Store current oxAuth authentication context in session"
On getting request to /postlogin oxAuth should restore stored authentication context automatically.
I recommend to take a look on Google authentication module [Google person authentication module](https://github.com/GluuFederation/oxAuth/tree/master/Server/integrations/gplus) . It uses oxAuth client to prepare oxAuth requests. For example:
def getTokensByCode(self, currentClientSecrets, configurationAttributes, code):
def getUserInfo(self, currentClientSecrets, configurationAttributes, accessToken):
You also can use it use for authorization request too.