By: Nagarajan Viswanathan user 27 Mar 2015 at 9:48 a.m. CDT

1 Response
Nagarajan Viswanathan gravatar
Hi, I have got a new CA signed certificate that i would like to install in the community edition version 2 of gluu-server in ubuntu. I tried following the doc at But I have problem with the third point "Import the DER format of your cert in "cacert" ( location: /etc/pki/java/ )." There is no such directory. There is a directory /etc/pki/nssdb should i import der format file here? I have four .crt files. Do i need to import all the four certificates into a file named cacert.der and copy that into the folder /etc/pki/nssdb and then restart the server?

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 27 Mar 2015 at 10:10 a.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
I assume you mean that you are using a certificate signed by a well known CA for HTTPS. There is currently a bug open on certificate management via the oxTrust UI. I would recommend checking the Apache configuration so that your certificate, private key and CA certificate are referenced properly in the apache2 config. Of course do so after you # service gluu-server login (i.e. in the Gluu Server chroot container).