Hi, Chris.
Only ticket I've found was a private one, so I can't refer to it. But in it the solution similar to what William was talking about was proposed.
But trying to answer your original question:
>I'm gradually finding my way around Gluu and I've figured out how to send the email from the User Registration jython script, but I'm not sure how to implement the link to get the user account switched from inactive to active.
It seems it isn't possible at the moment. An [enhancement proposal](https://github.com/GluuFederation/oxTrust/issues/324) has just been created at github that attempts to achieve a base framework for registration's confirmation, but it won't be there till 2.4.5 is out (it also may be moved further into the future, as it's not a high priority feature).
If waiting is not an option for you, you could try a totally different approach. You would need to implement a custom authentication script, the sole purpose of which would be user's account's activation. As you may already be aware, you can ask for a specific authentication method (amongst those that are enabled on the Custom authentication scripts tab) by adding `acr_values` parameter to an url. So, in your User Registration script you would assign some long random activation key string value to a newly created user entry and persist it in some attribute of it. Then you would need to create custom authentication script (and perhaps custom login page for it) which would consume the activation code passed to it via url parameter (or fragment part of an url).
So, you would need to send url like this to your user via email:
...plus adding to it `acr_values` parameter with the name of your script, and your custom url parameter containing activation code (You'll need to provide `client_id` that is correct for your instance). There is no guarantee it will work, though. Though using fragment part of url is a promising alternative too (you'll need to create your own custom login page with javascript that will scrap the fragment and provide it to the script somehow)
Unfortunately, that's all we can suggest at the moment.