By: Ha Ro user 02 Aug 2018 at 3:45 a.m. CDT

2 Responses
Ha Ro gravatar
Expected: images uploaded to /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/static/img supplant default unpacked in temp, for example logo.png. Actual: Only location that changes logo is in the temp unpacked war dir for 8018 oxauth, which of course does not remain. Have tried putting desired logo.png file in may other locations, including: /var/ox/photos /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/img /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/static/img and many other places. But nothing works. Did implement the workaround for the bug for uploading our logo within the Gluu admin web interface, and when logged into that interface see the logo and favicon, but none of the actual login pages or public pages show the desired logo. Have tried everything except making new .war file (unrecommended according to all docs), as per these pages: I can edit the text on all pages, from within the ~/custom/pages/ and pages/person dirs, and those all work as desired, it is just the images I can't seem to get to show up. (not found unless place in temp dir, doesn't find anywhere in custom dir). Appreciate any suggestions, workaround, fixes, etc. Thanks!

By Thomas Gasmyr Mougang staff 02 Aug 2018 at 5:44 a.m. CDT

Thomas Gasmyr Mougang gravatar
Hi Robinson, Just following the doc i end up adding a custom logo to login page. See an example here Let's say for example that you have your custom login page and you wanna use your custom logo in that custom login page, here are the steps to achieve that: 1. Create your custom login page and place it under /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/pages/ 2. Place your custom logo under /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/static/img 3. Reference the logo in your custom login page like this: **url="ext/resources/img/logo.png"** Thanks, Gasmyr.

By Ha Ro user 02 Aug 2018 at 6:11 a.m. CDT

Ha Ro gravatar
Had almost all the pieces in place, but a portion of the third part, was the key: this: url="ext/resources/img/logo.png" Specifically "ext/resources/" portion was the key. Thanks!