By: Jajati Badu Account Admin 12 Oct 2018 at 12:11 p.m. CDT

3 Responses
Jajati Badu gravatar
I want to customize the Gluu server Wellknown configuration endpoints so the url look like ` ` or `` For this 1- I changed the oxAuth Configuartion at Json Configuration setting of oxTrust Admin pannel 2- stopped oxAuth service 3- Edited opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/webapps/oxauth_web_resources.xml Here at step 3 I am not sure what exactly the content of oxauth_web_resources.xml Please check the attached scerenshot and let me know if any changes required.

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 13 Oct 2018 at 2:17 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Another partner is asking a similar question. We may make a document about this. You'll probably have to adjust the apache configuration, the JSON properties and maybe the web application .xml files

By Jajati Badu Account Admin 13 Oct 2018 at 2:22 p.m. CDT

Jajati Badu gravatar
Thanks @Michael.Schwartz That would be great if we can document it. Also could you please verify the application xml file I have attached as screenshot

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 13 Oct 2018 at 2:25 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
See [issue 6120](