By: Michael Dehmlow user 27 Mar 2015 at 12:25 a.m. CDT

1 Response
Michael Dehmlow gravatar
Hey gang, I'm working on enabling SCIM on a lab environment. I'm getting a 404 when I use a browser to hit: I read the other thread of the same name and gathered that this might be the expected behavior... Does oxTrust return a 404 when the request is not authenticated? I have set SCIM to enabled in the Organization Configuration. Operating on that assumption I'm trying to follow the step by Step By Step guide referenced by Michael Schwartz: > >Also, there is more docs (some repeated info) here: > >The UMA website is: > I'm having a hard time comprehending it (my edits are in bold please incorporate them if you can and they are correct: In order to use **/** access **the** SCIM **endpoints** **a** new oxAuth should be registered with **the** scopes "openid" and "user_name". **The** “oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod” **Property** of this client should **be set to** “client_secret_basic”. **There are a ** few methods **to register a new oxAuth**: - **Programmatically with Dynamic** Client Registration: **** - oxTrust GUI **HOW?** - manually add entry to LDAP as follows: ` dn: inum=@!1111!0008!F781.80AF,ou=clients,o=@!1111,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthClient objectClass: top displayName: SCIM inum: @!1111!0008!F781.80AF oxAuthAppType: web oxAuthClientSecret: eUXIbkBHgIM= oxAuthIdTokenSignedResponseAlg: HS256 oxAuthScope: inum=@!1111!0009!E4B4,ou=scopes,o=@!1111,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!1111!0009!E4B5,ou=scopes,o=@!1111,o=gluu oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod: client_secret_basic` Is this correct?

By Mohib Zico Account Admin 27 Mar 2015 at 5:48 a.m. CDT

Mohib Zico gravatar
Michael, I think you might need to manually oxTrust and oxAuth wars a bit. This modification will be in Gluu-Server-v2.1 which we are planning to release by 3/31. But till then can you please take a look at here: