By: Ted Gamester user 02 Jun 2016 at 5:35 p.m. CDT

2 Responses
Ted Gamester gravatar
Users created with SCIM client - do not have the encoding of the "active" field which is a boolean in the org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.User class I'm using to represent the user - gluuUser.setActive(Boolean.TRUE); The newly created user has that User Status field set to true when it should be active and this is the problem which prevents this user from logging in. The User Status field shouldn't be 'true' but 'active'; regrettably the org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.User object doesn't allow me to pass the correct value when you set the correct value from the management interface, the field disappears and you can log in with the credentials of the new user).

By Valentino Pecaoco user 03 Jun 2016 at 12:08 a.m. CDT

Valentino Pecaoco gravatar
Hi Ted, This is already [fixed]( in CE v2.4.4 tentatively due at the end of the month. Regards, Val

By Valentino Pecaoco user 03 Jun 2016 at 6:38 a.m. CDT

Valentino Pecaoco gravatar
From ticket 2678: > If you are using SCIM 2.0, this is a known bug in v2.4.2. This will be fixed in v2.4.4. > > If you are using SCIM 1.1, you can automatically activate the user by adding "gluuStatus = active" during user creation: ``` // Activate ScimCustomAttributes scimCustomAttributes = new ScimCustomAttributes(); scimCustomAttributes.setName("gluuStatus"); scimCustomAttributes.setValues(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"active"})); scimPerson.setCustomAttributes(Arrays.asList(scimCustomAttributes)); ``` > Is there a way to make a user active through SCIM 2.0 after creation? > > Unfortunately there is none if it is through the API. Outside options are to update it via the oxTrust GUI or LDAP. >