Hi Mohamad,
Please install v2.4.4 SP1. Update [doc](https://gluu.org/docs/deployment/updating/).
For this particular issue, please see [ticket](https://github.com/GluuFederation/oxTrust/issues/303) in GitHub.
The official procedure still need to be added to the Gluu docs but for now please see the steps below:
* Login to oxTrust and go to "Configuration" -> "JSON Configuration" -> "OxTrust Configuration".
* Locate the UMA RPT connection pooling parameters near the bottom of the page (screenshot also attached).
The last four parameters are parameters of the class `PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager`. Please visit the [JavaDoc](http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/httpclient/apidocs/index.html?org/apache/http/impl/conn/PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.html)
for the documentation.
Sample values:
rptConnectionPoolUseConnectionPooling = true
rptConnectionPoolMaxTotal = 200 connections
rptConnectionPoolDefaultMaxPerRoute = 20 connections
rptConnectionPoolValidateAfterInactivity = 10 seconds
rptConnectionPoolCustomKeepAliveTimeout = 5 seconds
rptConnectionPoolUseConnectionPooling must be set to true. rptConnectionPoolCustomKeepAliveTimeout is the value that will be used if the server does not have a "keep-alive" setting.
* After setting the values, save the form.
* Restart Tomcat.
If you need to change anything, do not forget to **restart Tomcat** thereafter.