By: Ernst Arnold user 30 Sep 2016 at 9:06 p.m. CDT

11 Responses
Ernst Arnold gravatar
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Welcome to your Gluu Identity Appliance 2.4.4.sp1! I am new to gluu :) Manged to set up server and now try to implement RP login with devise, omniauth-openid-connect. Rails 4.1.6 gets from our gluu server: ``` https://<identity_server_fqdn>/oxauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=<@!A8....>&redirect_uri=https://<client_fqdn>/users/auth/openid_connect/callback&scope=openid profile&state=mystate ``` Great, I get redirected to the login dialog from the server. Then I enter username and password and submit. Then the redirect_uri does receive an error in the response: ``` {"error"=>"access_denied", "error_description"=>"The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.", "state"=>"mystate", "controller"=>"users/omniauth_callbacks", "action"=>"openid_connect"} ``` Have tried many variations but cannot get it to return the authorization code. Interestingly if I point the browser to the server I am now logged in! Maybe my client on the server is not set up properly? ``` type: web Pre-Authorization: Enabled Subject Type: tried public and pairwise Persist Client Autorizations: True Logout Session required: False JWS alg Algorithm for signing the UserInfo Responses: none JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting the UserInfo Responses: RSA1_5 JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting the UserInfo Responses: A128CBC+HS256 JWS alg Algorithm for signing Request Objects: none Authentication method for the Token Endpoint: none JWS alg Algorithm for Authentication method to Token Endpoint: none Default Maximum Authentication Age: 300 Require Auth Time: True ```

By Aliaksandr Samuseu staff 30 Sep 2016 at 9:26 p.m. CDT

Aliaksandr Samuseu gravatar
Hi, Ernst. Welcome to Gluu world, hope you'll enjoy your stay. List of client's settings your provided doesn't mention `redirect_uri`, which is mandatory, client must explicitly define all uri it's allowed to redirect user's agent with response to authorize request. If this client was created using auto-enrolment feature, I would also advise to go to "Clients" page in web UI, open it for editing and then try to click "Update" button. It may highlight some mandatory settings you haven't yet set, too. Best regards, Alex

By Ernst Arnold user 01 Oct 2016 at 7:28 a.m. CDT

Ernst Arnold gravatar
Hi Alex, I am so glad for your help. I feel at the beginning of the learning curve. Config of client updated. Now one step further. After login instead of access_denied I get the following url and the params or request.env do not contain the code. ``` ``` Besides allowing the redirect I have added a number of settings which did not get me further.

By Ernst Arnold user 01 Oct 2016 at 9:10 a.m. CDT

Ernst Arnold gravatar
If I do the same thing with google as OP then the redirect gives: ```<..etc>&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3600&code=4/5iucnYpKW_j1STjrQpYaON6uIpBGBbnivTM6JmddFJw&id_token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjNiNjc1YzMzODM2YzMyZTAxYTBmNjcyMWRlYmU0ODlm<..etc>&authuser=0&session_state=f46bff0e674f<..etc>&prompt=none ``` So it must be a problem with my config for the client on our gluu server.

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 01 Oct 2016 at 1:22 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
In order for us to help you, you need to include the ldif of the client entry in ldap. Alex is right... if the client redirect_uri is not configured, the OP will not return the code. You can use ldapsearch to pull the client: ``` /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X \ -D "cn=directory manager" -j ~/.pw -b "o=gluu" \ 'inum=(clientid)' ``` Where (client-id) is the client id and ~/.pw has a file with the DM password (same as admin). It would also be helpful if include any relevant messages from `oxauth.log` from `/opt/tomcat/logs` For testing, use the public Subject Type. Also turn all signing and encyption off, and then add back after you have it working.

By Ernst Arnold user 01 Oct 2016 at 9:17 p.m. CDT

Ernst Arnold gravatar
Thanks Michael, Followed your advice and now I get the access_token, code and id_token in the url shows the content of the id_token however reports 'Invalid Signature' ``` /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -D "cn=directory manager" -j ~/.pw -b "o=gluu" 'inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8' dn: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8,ou=clients,o=@!A81A .15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthClient objectClass: top oxAuthContact: oxAuthScope: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0009!764C,ou=scopes,o=@!A 81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0009!F0C4,ou=scopes,o=@!A 81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0009!43F1,ou=scopes,o=@!A 81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu oxLastLogonTime: 20160930054301.842Z oxAuthPostLogoutRedirectURI: ect/callback oxAuthAppType: web oxLastAccessTime: 20160930054301.842Z oxAuthLogoURI: 721af8590405918451.gif oxAuthRedirectURI: ck oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod: none oxAuthLogoutSessionRequired: false oxAuthDefaultMaxAge: 300 oxAuthTosURI: oxAuthPolicyURI: oxAuthResponseType: code oxAuthResponseType: token oxAuthResponseType: id_token oxAuthClientURI: displayName: Registration oxAuthRequireAuthTime: true oxAuthClientSecret: <hidden> oxPersistClientAuthorizations: true oxAuthGrantType: authorization_code oxAuthGrantType: implicit oxAuthGrantType: refresh_token inum: @!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8 oxAuthTrustedClient: false oxAuthSubjectType: public ``` oxauth.log: ``` 2016-10-01 23:29:01,768 INFO [org.xdi.oxauth.service.AuthenticationService] Attempting to redirect user: SessionUser: SessionState, dn='uniqueIdentifier=4cc85ee1-2059-4f35-8b8f-078361ea3fa7,ou=session,o=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu', id='4cc85ee1-2059-4f35-8b8f-078361ea3fa7', isJwt=false, lastUsedAt=Sat Oct 01 23:29:01 UTC 2016, userDn='inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0000!12D4.DEAF,ou=people,o=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu', authenticationTime=Sat Oct 01 23:29:01 UTC 2016, state=authenticated, permissionGranted=null, permissionGrantedMap=null, sessionAttributes={auth_step=1, acr=internal, remote_ip=, scope=openid profile, response_type=code token id_token, state=mystate, redirect_uri=, nonce=abc, client_id=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8, auth_user=EKA}, persisted=true} 2016-10-01 23:29:01,770 INFO [org.xdi.oxauth.service.AuthenticationService] Attempting to redirect user: User: org.xdi.oxauth.model.common.User@2905bc2c 2016-10-01 23:29:01,777 INFO [org.xdi.oxauth.auth.Authenticator] Authentication success for User: 'EKA' ```

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 02 Oct 2016 at 10:54 a.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
If you are writing a web application, you should not use grant type implicit--that is only for javascript only client apps. Response type should only be `code`--not token or id_token. ``` oxAuthResponseType: code ``` If you want a much easier solution for Ruby on Rails, you may consider using oxd: * []( oxd is a middleware server that offers easier API's. There is also a Rails example.

By Ernst Arnold user 02 Oct 2016 at 9:46 p.m. CDT

Ernst Arnold gravatar
Thanks Michael, Yes I found that with code,token,id_token my client did not receive the tokens, they were in the url hash (JS location.hash) So changed to code only. Next step is to post to the token endpoint ( with http basic auth. I try my client's inum as username and the oxAuthClientSecret as password. Post parameters: ``` :code=>"f070f3a9-2089-4d49-840d-90501467f746", :grant_type=>"authorization_code", :redirect_uri=>"" ``` Result in oxauth.log ``` org.xdi.oxauth.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Basic authentication failed java.lang.Exception: The Token Authentication Method is not valid. ``` ``` root@ids1-hz:~# /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -D "cn=directory manager" -j ~/.pw -b "o=gluu" 'inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8' dn: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8,ou=clients,o=@!A81A .15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthClient objectClass: top oxAuthContact: oxAuthPolicyURI: oxAuthScope: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0009!764C,ou=scopes,o=@!A 81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0009!F0C4,ou=scopes,o=@!A 81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0009!43F1,ou=scopes,o=@!A 81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB,o=gluu oxLastLogonTime: 20160930054301.842Z oxAuthPostLogoutRedirectURI: ect/callback oxAuthAppType: web oxLastAccessTime: 20161003033629.536Z oxAuthLogoURI: 721af8590405918451.gif oxAuthRedirectURI: ck oxAuthRedirectURI: kens oxAuthResponseType: code oxAuthResponseType: token oxAuthResponseType: id_token oxAuthClientURI: oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod: client_secret_basic displayName: Registration oxAuthRequireAuthTime: true oxAuthClientSecret: itBLrDJOjY5fun9CeSGcSQNBruTDufCO oxAuthLogoutSessionRequired: false oxAuthDefaultMaxAge: 300 oxPersistClientAuthorizations: true oxAuthGrantType: authorization_code oxAuthGrantType: refresh_token oxAuthTosURI: inum: @!A81A.15E8.A8C3.124A!0001!AC8B.4DEB!0008!C3A5.73A8 oxAuthTrustedClient: false oxAuthSubjectType: public ```

By Ernst Arnold user 02 Oct 2016 at 9:52 p.m. CDT

Ernst Arnold gravatar
> If you want a much easier solution for Ruby on Rails, you may consider using oxd: > > > oxd is a middleware server that offers easier API's. There is also a Rails example. I am a volunteer working for the benefit of a not for profit organistion ( So purchasing a commercial license is a challenge (depending on price). I hope that we can use gluu with the community license.

By William Lowe user 03 Oct 2016 at 10:46 a.m. CDT

William Lowe gravatar
Hi Ernst, oxd and the Gluu Server are separate products. You should be able to get everything working with free open source software, Mike was simply suggesting that oxd would make it easier to secure your application properly. The oxd license is going to cost around $0.33 per server per day. Our goal is to keep it affordable enough for non-profits and small and medium businesses to use. The other option is to keep going down your existing path, trying to integrate the OpenID Connect code directly into the app. If you need additional support from us, I would suggest that you close this ticket and create new tickets around specific issues you're facing. Focused support tickets will get faster responses than long threads like this that jump from issue to issue. Thanks, Will

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 03 Oct 2016 at 12:02 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
I think you are really struggline to re-invent the wheel. oxd, at about $10/month, is really a nice option, and we can support you on it much more easily. But it's hard for us as the developers of a free open source platform to support your low-level protocol implementation. A few more options you may want to consider: 1. [Ruby OpenID Connect Library]( 2. [mod_auth_openidc]( -- Then pick up the user_info from the HTTP headers, but let the apache filter do some of the heavy lifting 3. [nginx openid plugin](

By Ernst Arnold user 06 Oct 2016 at 4:20 a.m. CDT

Ernst Arnold gravatar
Hi William and Michael, Thank you for your advice. I will look closer at those options. Regards, Ernst