By: Neemesh Patel user 10 Oct 2016 at 8:47 a.m. CDT

2 Responses
Neemesh Patel gravatar
This is more of a hypothetical scenario. I have Gluu pulling the users from my user directory via cache refresh. It uses the UID in order to determine if it is the same user (so it knows if there is an update to do). If the UID was to be changed in the directory, Gluu sees this as a deletion of a user and an addition of a user causing the Inum for that person in Gluu to be different (as it's technically a new user). If this was done in error and we need to revert it, is the Inum (or any other details) logged anywhere when users are removed from Gluu? The Cache refresh log only indicates x number of people have been removed/added/updated but doesn't seem to quote usernames, inums or any other information. Thanks

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 10 Oct 2016 at 9:34 a.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
No, user details are not logged before they are removed. Backups are the responsibility of the admin. Inums themselves probably should be persisted in LDAP, because we don't want to re-issue them. But that's another issue.

By Neemesh Patel user 10 Oct 2016 at 10:35 a.m. CDT

Neemesh Patel gravatar
Thanks Mike. This was a very much a hypothetical "what if" question, but appreciate you taking the time to answer it.