Hi Ramkumar,
Once you are in oxTrust (admin web GUI), and do what you already know to enable test mode, i.e. *Configuration > JSON Configuration* and choosing true under "*scimTestMode*"; a new entry under "*oxtrust client*" is added to your LDAP similar to this one:
dn: uniqueIdentifier=..., oxAuthGrantId= ... ,inum=<oxTrust Admin client ID>,ou=clients,o=<organization ID>,o=gluu
oxAuthClientId: <oxTrust Admin client ID>
oxAuthCreation: <NOW>
oxAuthExpiration: <NOW + 1 Year>
oxAuthGrantId: ...
oxAuthGrantType: client_credentials
uniqueIdentifier: ...
oxAuthScope: openid user_name profile email
oxAuthTokenCode: {sha256Hex}<access token>
oxAuthTokenType: access_token
objectClass: top
objectClass: oxAuthToken
Please try inspect and see if the attribute `oxAuthExpiration` effectively has the expiration date set to one year in the future (or whatever time you have set in `longLivedAccessTokenLifetime` - the latter is measured in seconds) and let us know.
The `oxAuthTokenCode` attribute contains the result of applying SHA256 to your access token. You can see the token in the oxTrust admin GUI, of course.