Hi, Chris.
> I have SCIM-Client installed on my local machine and it works correctly in both test mode and UMA mode.
Could you elaborate? What steps did you use to configure it? If you followed one of our docs, please provide a link to it.
>Which key do I extract? The OpenID Core document (http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html) says to sign it with the public key, but in trying to read the code it looks like the private key is being used (https://github.com/GluuFederation/oxAuth/blob/master/Model/src/main/java/org/xdi/oxauth/model/crypto/OxAuthCryptoProvider.java#L171) so I'm a bit confused (and probably not reading the right bit of code).
Usual rule of a thumb is to encrypt something you need to use a public key, and to sign something you use a private key. If you sign something this way, you need to publish a corresponding public key and make it known to the party which will be verifying the signature. When you're editing a client's properties in Gluu's web UI you can see fields "JWKS URI" and "JWKS" which serve this purpose.
>How do I retrieve the key from scim-rp.jks?
>How do I decode the key from scim-rp.jks in order to use it to sign the JWT?
I assume you mean the `/etc/certs/scim-rs.jks` file which is found in Gluu Server's container? This won't be of much use in your case, if you sign something sent to another party (**to** Gluu Server in this case), you need to use your own set of private keys, then let the other party know the public part of it, formatted as JWKS.