By: Maxime Rouillard Account Admin 05 Dec 2018 at 3:06 a.m. CST

5 Responses
Maxime Rouillard gravatar
The oxExternalUid is not displayed in the Users - Manage People interface. According to the OTP apps documentation,, we could remove the value of this attribute.

By Thomas Gasmyr Mougang staff 05 Dec 2018 at 3:57 a.m. CST

Thomas Gasmyr Mougang gravatar
Hey **Maxime**, Can you check that the field **oxExternalUid** is present in that user entry in LDAP.

By Maxime Rouillard Account Admin 05 Dec 2018 at 3:59 a.m. CST

Maxime Rouillard gravatar
Hello, The attribute is well present : ``` dn: inum=@!3B27.FB71.1131.4C6A!0001!1BCB.BCA8!0000!D735.8499.486E.3E49,ou=people ,o=@!3B27.FB71.1131.4C6A!0001!1BCB.BCA8,o=gluu objectClass: top objectClass: gluuPerson objectClass: gluuCustomPerson mail: oxCreationTimestamp: 20181107094742.063Z givenName: maxime fn mobile: 0041786957005 persistentId: test transientId: maximeTransientId inum: @!3B27.FB71.1131.4C6A!0001!1BCB.BCA8!0000!D735.8499.486E.3E49 iname: *person*maxime oxTrustEmail: {"value":"","display":null,"type":null,"primary":false} oxLastLogonTime: 20181205082320.483Z updatedAt: 20181116120353.190Z oxExternalUid: totp:ey-qrIau5tDA13a0GCDNegRNcTUzJzyHqJMZCrT_Q7eoxbXVBR_A7xqDwU0w xM6If4Dtyd_VLrczTTVadoMkGw== displayName: maxime disn gluuStatus: active sn: maxime ln cn: maxime maxime phoneNumberVerified: true userPassword: {SSHA512}zwcijE0ns1WIap8RfdxGOYvt15WTTnb5XXdayX+KZXr26XxF9k7XCFOJm 2TZlcENSjA3udWtrr5tk3PNPtHo1xLDPXYKBKz6 uid: maxime ```

By Thomas Gasmyr Mougang staff 05 Dec 2018 at 4:08 a.m. CST

Thomas Gasmyr Mougang gravatar
Maxime, That is a bug in 3.1.4, we already open an issue [here]( to fix that problem

By Maxime Rouillard Account Admin 05 Dec 2018 at 4:28 a.m. CST

Maxime Rouillard gravatar
Thank you for your answer.

By William Lowe user 29 Jan 2019 at 3:04 a.m. CST

William Lowe gravatar
FYI Gluu 3.1.5 has been released w/ this fix included: