OK - I worked it out by adding a new 'openid' scope called membership and adding the claim 'member_of' to that scope. Then changed the request scope to membership (not permission) and now I get 'member_of' OK.
If there is a better way to determine if a user is administrator, please let me know:
"{""sub"":""xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"",""website"":""https://www.gluu.org/"",""zoneinfo"":""America/Los_Angeles"",""birthdate"":""20210616000000.000Z"",""email_verified"":true,""gender"":""male"",""profile"":""https://www.facebook.com/gluufederation/"",""preferred_username"":""admin"",""given_name"":""Admin"",""middle_name"":""Admin"",""picture"":""https://www.gluu.org/wp-content/themes/gluu/images/gl.png"",""updated_at"":1623810357,""name"":""Default Admin User"",""nickname"":""Admin"",""member_of"":[""inum=60B7,ou=groups,o=gluu""],""family_name"":""User"",""email"":""xxx@xxxx.com"”}"
Also I'm curious about the order of the elements. Is there any reason for it? I would have thought the membership scope would have come after the email because that was by request. It doesn't matter and shouldn't matter, but I just think its odd.
Leaving the issue open for comments.