>> https://test4.gluu.org/oxauth/restv1/authorize?client_id=1001.dbe1405c-2a5a-4c2e-9584-89b800b39828&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Ftest4.gluu.org%2Fidentity%2Fauthcode.htm&response_type=code&scope=openid+profile+email+user_name&nonce=b647adb6-d7e4-4f32-b16c-578d2d88c705&state=63db6897-4afc-40dd-a125-cef99f5c8758&acr_values=simple_password_auth
This is not error, this is url link which has information of openID client, released scope, ACR value etc.
[Here](https://support.gluu.org/docs/user-guide/how-to-ask/) is a good start of troubleshooting your Gluu Server.
A very simple question can come to your mind that.. which log you should search first? Simple answer is.... check your url. If you see error ( inside browser ) which has `/oxauth` link.. then search for oxauth.log. If your error page has `/identity` link... go for oxTrust/identity log.
And, how to get those logs? Check the link above please.
Please let us know if you have any question or confusion.