Look. I am trying to run setup.py without getting prompted for input.
As it says here http://www.gluu.org/docs/admin-guide/installation/ubuntu/ :
> If you want to script the installation of the Gluu Server, user the -f option or just save the properties file as setup.properties and it will be automatically detected. Also use the -n option to suppress the interactive confirmation to proceed. For example, to re-run the last installation:
> ./setup.py -n -f setup.properties.last
But when I run the command, it still prompts me for input. I am trying to run the install with the same settings as my last install, so that is why I am using the setup.properties.last file.
This is a fresh install thought. I just want to set it up using the same settings as before. And I am trying to script this, so I NEED it to not prompt me for input.