I know I'm necroposting but the docs are useless.
In my case, I've played with super gluu and managed to lock myself out by changing the SSL certs with super gluu enabled for admin.
Here's how you reset the auth method from command line on gluu 3.1.5. At least this worked for me.
Login to the chroot
[root@gluu-server ~]# /sbin/gluu-serverd-3.1.5 login
Get the DN for your install
/opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -D "cn=directory manager" -w '<replace this with your ldap setup pass>' -b "ou=appliances,o=gluu" -s one "objectclass=*" oxAuthenticationMode
Compose your LDIF file
[root@localhost ~]# vi revert_auth.ldif
dn: inum=<replace this with the value from the ldap search result>,ou=appliances,o=gluu
changetype: modify
replace: oxAuthenticationMode
oxAuthenticationMode: auth_ldap_server
dn: inum=<replace this with the value from the ldap search result>,ou=appliances,o=gluu
changetype: modify
replace: oxTrustAuthenticationMode
oxTrustAuthenticationMode: auth_ldap_server
Run ldapmodify
/opt/opendj/bin/ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -D cn=directory manager" -w '<replace this with your ldap setup pass>' -f revert_auth.ldif
Now you should be able to login in the web UI with your ldap pass.