Thanks, Bob.
Regarding this error - it's not guaranteed yet it's the cause, as such entry can appear during normal start up too, usually it means something like "can't find configuration file on disk, loading configuration from LDAP (which is expected behaviour)". So we would need full log file to be sure. Could you do next?
1. Move into container
2. `# service tomcat stop`
3. `# mv /opt/tomcat/logs/wrapper.log /opt/tomcat/logs/wrapper.log.bak`
4. `# service tomcat start`
5. `# tail -F /opt/tomcat/logs/wrapper.log`, wait until it will start up fully (or will fail to do so)
6. If it started successfully at previous step, please also do `# tail -F` for all Apache logs in `/var/log/apache2/` (should be 3 files there), attempting to open login page in your browser each time, and share any records appearing there which will seem related to these your attempts (please purge all cookies related to this Gluu instance's name first in the browser)
Then provide us the full new wrapper.log it will re-create + those Apache's logs (you could use []( or any file-sharing service).
Please also provide output of next commands at the moment when service runs:
1. `# dpkg -l | grep -i gluu-server` (outside of the container)
2. `# hostname` (inside of the container)
3. `# cat /etc/hosts` (inside of the container)
4. `# cat /etc/resolv.conf` (inside of the container)
5. `# netstat -nlpt` (inside of the container)
> I tried to follow the steps here to no avail:
That's hardly your case, it's about a custom build of Gluu 2.4.4 compatible with OpenLDAP directory (which will be used in Gluu CE package starting 3.0.0).