Hi, Dominique.
There shouldn't be that much difference in configuring systemd inside container. It's a basic Linux administration task, I don't think there are some notable specifics in case of container. Please check those (possibly other their) guides:
Locate Gluu services' configuration files, looking up under `/etc/systemd/system/` should yield them.
In "Unit" sections of `oxauth`, `idp` and `identity` service files make sure that `openldap` service's name is mentioned in the **"After="** and **"Requires="** fields, like in example below (which is taken from 2.4.4 instance which uses **OpenDJ** instead of **OpenLDAP** and **Tomcat** instead of **Jetty**; in your case there should be a separate service for each component, not just a general Jetty service):
Description=Tomcat Servlet Container
After=syslog.target opendj.service