By: Geoffrey Cleaves user 17 Sep 2018 at 3:41 p.m. CDT

5 Responses
Geoffrey Cleaves gravatar
## Expected behavior Ability to reach initial login page after fresh install. ## Actual behavior https://gluu/identity/error: `Oops, something went wrong.` ## Description I'm trying to get the single host Docker environment up and running on a development server. I've tried about 6 times on a Mac host and Linux host. This case describes the Linux host. The server has many other containers running, including one on port 443 and 80. * As documentation suggests, I have created a virtual NIC with a new IP address since there is a requirement to run Gluu on ports 443 and 80. * I have edited `docker-compose.yml` in order to bind nginx to my new IP address. * I have edited the host's `/etc/hosts` file to create a `gluu` host with the new IP address. * I remove the `./volumes` directory created during previous installation attempts. * I have run `./` * I answer the questions, and give `gluu` as the domain name. * I wait a few minutes for the services that nginx needs to start running. * I visit https://gluu and get redirected to https://gluu/identity/error: `Oops, something went wrong.` * I cry. * I look at the output of `docker-compose logs` and see that the first complaint is of missing `DOMAIN` and `HOST_IP` variables. * I create a `.env` file with those variables defined. * I run `docker-compose down & docker-compose up` . * IT WORKS! I can log in! * I laugh. Writing this post actually helped me solve the problem. Maybe it will help somebody else.

By William Lowe user 17 Sep 2018 at 3:49 p.m. CDT

William Lowe gravatar
Excellent! Thanks for writing this up. If you think the doc needs adjustments, feel free to suggest changes or even do a PR on the [Github source](

By Steve Sirag user 10 Oct 2018 at 12:45 p.m. CDT

Steve Sirag gravatar
Not clear... is the .env file required configuration? If so, where does it go (on Ubuntu) and what syntax?

By Isman Firmansyah staff 12 Oct 2018 at 11:22 a.m. CDT

Isman Firmansyah gravatar
Hi Steve, The `.env` file is not required. `DOMAIN` and `HOST_IP` will be passed as environment variable var when running ``.

By Geoffrey Cleaves user 13 Oct 2018 at 8:27 a.m. CDT

Geoffrey Cleaves gravatar
It's required if you have the same problem I described.

By Isman Firmansyah staff 14 Oct 2018 at 1 a.m. CDT

Isman Firmansyah gravatar
Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce the problem. You can add `.env` file though, the repo is just an example on how to deploy the dockerized Gluu Server.