OK, I see that the `client_secret` provided in the `setup_client` response is for the `setup_client_oxd_id`, and so I needed to get the correct one from the Gluu admin UI - does that sound right? Using these credentials I do make progress, but still fall short of success.
The AS seems to be happy:
> 2019-02-13 09:54:47,886 INFO [qtp804611486-15] [org.xdi.oxauth.auth.Authenticator] (Authenticator.java:224) - Authentication success for Client: '@!3932.OBFUSCATE-FOR-TICKET'
However the oxd-server seems to receive a null access_token from the AS:
> 2019-02-13 09:54:47,891 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.op.GetClientTokenOperation] access_token is blank in response, params: GetClientTokenParams{clientId='@!3932.OBFUSCATE-FOR-TICKET', opHost='https://as.example.com', opDiscoveryPath='null', scope=[openid, profile, email, uma_protection, oxd], authenticationMethod='null', algorithm='null', keyId='null'}, response: org.xdi.oxauth.client.TokenResponse@27dd1f
> 2019-02-13 09:54:47,891 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.op.GetClientTokenOperation] Please check AS logs for more details (oxauth.log for CE).
> 2019-02-13 09:54:47,908 TRACE [org.xdi.oxd.server.Processor] Send back response: {"status":"error","data":{"error":"internal_error","details":null,"error_description":"Unknown internal server error occurs."}}
> 2019-02-13 09:54:47,908 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.SocketProcessor] Quit. Enable to process command.
The final message appears to be fatal, as while oxd-server is still running, it won't respond to any further commands with anything other than `null`. A restart resolves that.
Why would the AS return a null access_token?