By: Volodymyr Tsap user 07 Jun 2020 at 5:01 a.m. CDT

2 Responses
Volodymyr Tsap gravatar
During installation using helm chart glue deploys opendj with no exceptions. gluu-oxauth can't connect to it just dropping excetptions: ``` WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-06-07 09:43:47,747 - LDAP is not ready; reason=LDAP is not fully initialized; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-06-07 09:43:58,522 - LDAP is not ready; reason=LDAP is not fully initialized; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-06-07 09:44:09,181 - LDAP is not ready; reason=LDAP is not fully initialized; retrying in 10.0 seconds ``` So gluu-oxtrust-0 can't start due to this problem Installation on GKE cluster v1.14.10-gke.36 with helm chart provided from latest pygluu-kubernetes-linux.pyz package. here the values file ``` #global values to be used across charts global: # cloud.enabled specifies whether it's cloud deployment or not cloud: enabled: true awsLocalStorage: false #,, provisioner: pool: default fsType: ext4 gcePdStorageType: pd-standard azureStorageAccountType: Standard_LRS azureStorageKind: Managed reclaimPolicy: Retain nginxNamespace: ingress #service names to be used globally/by other charts oxAuthServiceName: oxauth oxTrustServiceName: oxtrust ldapServiceName: opendj # Networking configs nginxIp: "" # SHOULD BE CHANGED FOR CLOUD domain: # specify if the domain above is registered or not. isDomainRegistered: "true" # "true" or "false" lbAddr: "" # gluuLdapUrl: opendj:1636 gluuOxtrustBackend: oxtrust:8080 gluuOxauthBackend: oxauth:8080 gluuOxdServerUrl: oxd-server:8443 # If REDIS is the Cache Type gluuRedisUrl: redis:6379 gluuRedisUseSsl: "false" gluuRedisType: STANDALONE gluuRedisSslTruststore: "" gluuRedisSentinelGroup: "" gluuMaxRamPercent: "75.0" configAdapterName: kubernetes configSecretAdapter: kubernetes #persistence types and options # options: ldap/couchbase/hybrid gluuPersistenceType: ldap # options REDIS/NATIVE_PERSISTENCE gluuCacheType: NATIVE_PERSISTENCE # options: default/user/site/cache/statistic # used only if GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE is ldap or hybrid gluuPersistenceLdapMapping: default # used only if GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE is couchbase or hybrid # NOTE: For the CB instalation please check the documentation gluuCouchbaseCrt: 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 gluuCouchbasePass: P@ssw0rd # gluuCouchbaseUrl is the couchbase service name gluuCouchbaseUrl: couchbase-couchbase-cluster.gluu.svc.cluster.local gluuCouchbaseUser: Administrator # gluuCouchbasePassFile is the location of password file. Should be named `couchbase_password` containing only password file gluuCouchbasePassFile: /etc/gluu/conf/couchbase_password # gluuCouchbaseCertFile location of gluuCouchbaseCertFile: /etc/certs/couchbase.crt # Enable installation of services oxauth: enabled: true config: enabled: true persistence: enabled: false oxtrust: enabled: true opendj: enabled: true oxshibboleth: enabled: false efs-provisioner: enabled: false oxd-server: enabled: false # redis should be enabled only when cacheType is REDIS redis: enabled: false nginx: enabled: true key-rotation: enabled: false nfs: enabled: false shared-shib: enabled: true cr-rotate: enabled: false #efs-provisioner used for creating shared file system in AWS efs-provisioner: efsProvisioner: # If specified, use this DNS or IP to connect the EFS dnsName: "" # efsFileSystemId: "" awsRegion: us-west-2 path: /opt/shared-shibboleth-idp provisionerName: storageClass: name: gcp-efs isDefault: false persistentVolume: accessModes: ReadWriteMany storage: 5Gi casa: image: repository: gluufederation/casa tag: 4.2.0_dev pullPolicy: Always # Required environment variables for generating Gluu server initial config # values for config-init sub-chart config: orgName: Gluu # email address of the administrator usually. Used for certificate creation email: # adminPass is administrator password for oxTrust adminPass: P@ssw0rd # ldapPass is the password for LDAP ldapPass: P@ssw0rd # organisation location details countryCode: US state: TX city: SLC # ldapType only OpenDJ is supported ldapType: opendj image: repository: gluufederation/config-init tag: 4.1.1_01 cr-rotate: image: repository: gluufederation/cr-rotate tag: 4.1.1_02 pullPolicy: Always key-rotation: image: repository: gluufederation/key-rotation tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always nfs: image: repository: tag: 0.8 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent opendj: # options true/false : must be enabled if cache type is REDIS gluuRedisEnabled: false replicas: 1 persistence: size: 5Gi image: repository: gluufederation/wrends tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always # persistence layer persistence: enabled: false image: repository: gluufederation/persistence tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always configmap: gluuOxtrustApiEnabled: false gluuOxtrustApiTestMode: false # Auto install other services. If enabled the respective service chart will be installed gluuPassportEnabled: false gluuCasaEnabled: false gluuRadiusEnabled: false gluuSamlEnabled: true oxauth: image: repository: gluufederation/oxauth tag: 4.1.1_02 pullPolicy: Always oxd-server: # A dummy keystore CHANGE THIS TO YOUR OWN KEYSTORE configmap: adminKeystorePassword: Passw0rd applicationKeystorePassword: Passw0rd applicationKeystoreCn: oxd_server adminKeystoreCn: oxd_server image: repository: gluufederation/oxd-server tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always resources: {} # If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi nginx: # ingress resources ingress: enabled: true path: / hosts: - tls: - secretName: tls-certificate # DON'T change hosts: - # oxpassport service installation is dependant on boolean value dependant set in persistence.configmap.gluuPassportEnabled oxpassport: image: repository: gluufederation/oxpassport tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always # If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi oxshibboleth: image: repository: gluufederation/oxshibboleth tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always oxtrust: image: repository: gluufederation/oxtrust tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always radius: image: repository: gluufederation/radius tag: 4.1.1_01 pullPolicy: Always redis: image: repository: redis tag: alpine pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ``` opendj logs: ``` INFO - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-06-07 09:34:55,589 - Config is ready INFO - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-06-07 09:34:55,775 - Secret is ready INFO - entrypoint - 2020-06-07 09:34:57,071 - Syncing OpenDJ certs. INFO - entrypoint - 2020-06-07 09:35:01,745 - Checking certificate's Subject Alt Name (SAN) INFO - entrypoint - 2020-06-07 09:35:01,791 - Re-generating OpenDJ certs with SAN support. [07/Jun/2020:09:35:14 +0000] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=134 msg=Wren:DS Server 4.0.0-M3 (build 20190729080147, revision number 4dc791965aa1e038953363ca26db0b64b2216891) starting up [07/Jun/2020:09:35:17 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=21 msg=Installation Directory: /opt/opendj [07/Jun/2020:09:35:17 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=23 msg=Instance Directory: /opt/opendj [07/Jun/2020:09:35:17 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=17 msg=JVM Information: 1.8.0_212-b04 by IcedTea, 64-bit architecture, 6621036544 bytes heap size [07/Jun/2020:09:35:17 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=18 msg=JVM Host: gluu-opendj-0.opendj.gluu.svc.cluster.local, running Linux 4.14.138+ amd64, 27394482176 bytes physical memory size, number of processors available 1 [07/Jun/2020:09:35:17 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=19 msg=JVM Arguments: "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds" [07/Jun/2020:09:35:21 +0000] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=513 msg=The database backend site containing 0 entries has started [07/Jun/2020:09:35:22 +0000] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=513 msg=The database backend metric containing 0 entries has started [07/Jun/2020:09:35:22 +0000] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=513 msg=The database backend userRoot containing 0 entries has started [07/Jun/2020:09:35:22 +0000] category=EXTENSIONS severity=NOTICE msgID=221 msg=DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism using a server fully qualified domain name of: gluu-opendj-0.opendj.gluu.svc.cluster.local [07/Jun/2020:09:35:23 +0000] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=135 msg=The Directory Server has started successfully [07/Jun/2020:09:35:23 +0000] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=139 msg=The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer (alert type org.opends.server.DirectoryServerStarted, alert ID org.opends.messages.core-135): The Directory Server has started successfully ```

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 07 Jun 2020 at 8:14 a.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
K8 not supported on community forums by Gluu.

By Volodymyr Tsap user 08 Jun 2020 at 2:29 a.m. CDT

Volodymyr Tsap gravatar
Dear Michael, can you please guide me what is the correct way on addressing issues with Gluu's Kubernetes deployment? Actually we need to know why oxauth can't get initialized to opendj which is default way on persistense?