By: Nilay Bhima user 06 Sep 2020 at 10:40 p.m. CDT

1 Response
Nilay Bhima gravatar
I am attempting to install Gluu on Azure Kubernetes Service (version: 1.16.13) but keep getting the below error invalid server address: ```bash NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE gluu-config-j86ws 0/1 Completed 0 4m6s gluu-jackrabbit-0 1/1 Running 0 4m6s gluu-ldap-backup-1599448800-b4pkp 1/1 Running 0 2m59s gluu-opendj-0 0/1 Pending 0 4m6s gluu-oxauth-85f458b8f7-m5qsb 0/1 Pending 0 4m6s gluu-oxd-server-6b9c46887-52hj6 0/1 Running 2 4m6s gluu-oxtrust-0 0/1 Running 1 4m6s gluu-persistence-jc7r8 1/1 Running 0 4m6s ``` root@sissadrisgluudeployvmaedv:/gluu-extract# kubectl logs -n gluu gluu-oxauth-85f458b8f7-m5qsb root@sissadrisgluudeployvmaedv:/gluu-extract# kubectl logs -n gluu gluu-persistence-jc7r8 ``` WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:03,880 - Config is not ready; reason=Config 'hostname' is not available; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:13,899 - Config is not ready; reason=Config 'hostname' is not available; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:23,921 - Config is not ready; reason=Config 'hostname' is not available; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:33,939 - Config is not ready; reason=Config 'hostname' is not available; retrying in 10.0 seconds INFO - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:43,956 - Config is ready INFO - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:44,018 - Secret is ready WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:44,300 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:19:54,412 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:20:04,521 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:20:14,671 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:20:24,894 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:20:34,992 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:20:45,164 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:20:55,312 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:21:05,452 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:21:15,579 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:21:25,776 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:21:35,926 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:21:46,069 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:21:56,222 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:22:06,331 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:22:16,562 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:22:26,723 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:22:36,838 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:22:46,957 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:22:57,081 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:23:07,239 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:23:17,412 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:23:27,474 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds WARNING - pygluu.containerlib.wait - 2020-09-07 03:23:37,543 - LDAP is not ready; reason=invalid server address; retrying in 10.0 seconds ``` I have updated the values.yaml with the correct IP Address and DNS Name under helm/gluu/values.yaml as well as the gluu-gateway-ui/values.yaml. Here is my global settings.json: ```json { "ACCEPT_GLUU_LICENSE": "Y", "GLUU_VERSION": "4.2", "TEST_ENVIRONMENT": "", "GLUU_UPGRADE_TARGET_VERSION": "", "GLUU_HELM_RELEASE_NAME": "gluu", "NGINX_INGRESS_RELEASE_NAME": "ningress", "NGINX_INGRESS_NAMESPACE": "ingress-nginx", "INSTALL_GLUU_GATEWAY": "Y", "POSTGRES_NAMESPACE": "postgres", "KONG_NAMESPACE": "gluu-gateway", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_NAMESPACE": "gg-ui", "KONG_PG_USER": "kong", "KONG_PG_PASSWORD": "REMOVED", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_PG_USER": "konga", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_PG_PASSWORD": "REMOVED", "KONG_DATABASE": "kong", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_DATABASE": "konga", "POSTGRES_REPLICAS": 3, "POSTGRES_URL": "postgres.postgres.svc.cluster.local", "KONG_HELM_RELEASE_NAME": "gluu-gateway", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_HELM_RELEASE_NAME": "gluu-gateway-ui", "NODES_IPS": [], "NODES_ZONES": [ "0", "0", "0" ], "NODES_NAMES": [ "aks-agentpool-14341970-vmss000000", "aks-agentpool-14341970-vmss000001", "aks-agentpool-14341970-vmss000002" ], "NODE_SSH_KEY": "~/.ssh/id_rsa", "HOST_EXT_IP": "", "VERIFY_EXT_IP": "", "AWS_LB_TYPE": "", "USE_ARN": "", "ARN_AWS_IAM": "", "LB_ADD": "", "REDIS_URL": "HOSTNAMEREMOVED:6380", "REDIS_TYPE": "STANDALONE", "REDIS_PW": "REMOVED", "REDIS_USE_SSL": "false", "REDIS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE": "", "REDIS_SENTINEL_GROUP": "", "REDIS_MASTER_NODES": "", "REDIS_NODES_PER_MASTER": "", "REDIS_NAMESPACE": "", "INSTALL_REDIS": "N", "INSTALL_JACKRABBIT": "Y", "JACKRABBIT_STORAGE_SIZE": "4Gi", "JACKRABBIT_URL": "http://jackrabbit:8080", "JACKRABBIT_USER": "admin", "DEPLOYMENT_ARCH": "aks", "PERSISTENCE_BACKEND": "ldap", "INSTALL_COUCHBASE": "", "COUCHBASE_NAMESPACE": "", "COUCHBASE_VOLUME_TYPE": "", "COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_NAME": "", "COUCHBASE_URL": "", "COUCHBASE_USER": "", "COUCHBASE_PASSWORD": "", "COUCHBASE_CRT": "", "COUCHBASE_CN": "", "COUCHBASE_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME": "", "COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_FILE_OVERRIDE": "", "COUCHBASE_USE_LOW_RESOURCES": "", "COUCHBASE_DATA_NODES": "", "COUCHBASE_QUERY_NODES": "", "COUCHBASE_INDEX_NODES": "", "COUCHBASE_SEARCH_EVENTING_ANALYTICS_NODES": "", "COUCHBASE_GENERAL_STORAGE": "", "COUCHBASE_DATA_STORAGE": "", "COUCHBASE_INDEX_STORAGE": "", "COUCHBASE_QUERY_STORAGE": "", "COUCHBASE_ANALYTICS_STORAGE": "", "COUCHBASE_INCR_BACKUP_SCHEDULE": "", "COUCHBASE_FULL_BACKUP_SCHEDULE": "", "COUCHBASE_BACKUP_RETENTION_TIME": "", "COUCHBASE_BACKUP_STORAGE_SIZE": "", "LDAP_BACKUP_SCHEDULE": "*/30 * * * *", "NUMBER_OF_EXPECTED_USERS": "", "EXPECTED_TRANSACTIONS_PER_SEC": "", "USING_CODE_FLOW": "", "USING_SCIM_FLOW": "", "USING_RESOURCE_OWNER_PASSWORD_CRED_GRANT_FLOW": "", "DEPLOY_MULTI_CLUSTER": "", "HYBRID_LDAP_HELD_DATA": "", "LDAP_JACKRABBIT_VOLUME": "Standard_LRS", "APP_VOLUME_TYPE": 17, "LDAP_STATIC_VOLUME_ID": "", "LDAP_STATIC_DISK_URI": "", "GLUU_CACHE_TYPE": "REDIS", "GLUU_NAMESPACE": "gluu", "GLUU_FQDN": "", "COUNTRY_CODE": "US", "STATE": "TX", "EMAIL": "", "CITY": "Austin", "ORG_NAME": "Gluu", "GMAIL_ACCOUNT": "", "GOOGLE_NODE_HOME_DIR": "", "IS_GLUU_FQDN_REGISTERED": "Y", "LDAP_PW": "REMOVED", "ADMIN_PW": "REMOVED", "OXD_APPLICATION_KEYSTORE_CN": "oxd-server", "OXD_ADMIN_KEYSTORE_CN": "oxd-server", "LDAP_STORAGE_SIZE": "4Gi", "OXAUTH_REPLICAS": 1, "OXTRUST_REPLICAS": 1, "LDAP_REPLICAS": 1, "OXSHIBBOLETH_REPLICAS": "", "OXPASSPORT_REPLICAS": "", "OXD_SERVER_REPLICAS": 1, "CASA_REPLICAS": "", "RADIUS_REPLICAS": "", "FIDO2_REPLICAS": "", "SCIM_REPLICAS": "", "ENABLE_OXTRUST_API": "Y", "ENABLE_OXTRUST_TEST_MODE": "Y", "ENABLE_CACHE_REFRESH": "N", "ENABLE_OXD": "Y", "ENABLE_FIDO2": "N", "ENABLE_SCIM": "N", "ENABLE_RADIUS": "N", "ENABLE_OXPASSPORT": "N", "ENABLE_OXSHIBBOLETH": "N", "ENABLE_CASA": "N", "ENABLE_OXAUTH_KEY_ROTATE": "N", "ENABLE_OXTRUST_API_BOOLEAN": "true", "ENABLE_OXTRUST_TEST_MODE_BOOLEAN": "true", "ENABLE_RADIUS_BOOLEAN": "false", "ENABLE_OXPASSPORT_BOOLEAN": "false", "ENABLE_CASA_BOOLEAN": "false", "ENABLE_SAML_BOOLEAN": "false", "OXAUTH_KEYS_LIFE": "", "EDIT_IMAGE_NAMES_TAGS": "N", "CASA_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/casa", "CASA_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/config-init", "CONFIG_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "CACHE_REFRESH_ROTATE_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/cr-rotate", "CACHE_REFRESH_ROTATE_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "CERT_MANAGER_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/certmanager", "CERT_MANAGER_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "LDAP_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/wrends", "LDAP_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_02", "JACKRABBIT_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/jackrabbit", "JACKRABBIT_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "OXAUTH_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/oxauth", "OXAUTH_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_02", "FIDO2_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/fido2", "FIDO2_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "SCIM_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/scim", "SCIM_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_02", "OXD_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/oxd-server", "OXD_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "OXPASSPORT_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/oxpassport", "OXPASSPORT_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "OXSHIBBOLETH_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/oxshibboleth", "OXSHIBBOLETH_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_02", "OXTRUST_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/oxtrust", "OXTRUST_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_02", "PERSISTENCE_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/persistence", "PERSISTENCE_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "RADIUS_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/radius", "RADIUS_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "GLUU_GATEWAY_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/gluu-gateway", "GLUU_GATEWAY_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/gluu-gateway-ui", "GLUU_GATEWAY_UI_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "UPGRADE_IMAGE_NAME": "gluufederation/upgrade", "UPGRADE_IMAGE_TAG": "4.2.0_01", "CONFIRM_PARAMS": "Y" } ``` Here is the custom load balancer that I am using for my AKS: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: REMOVED REMOVED (The dns of the public IP Address) name: azure-load-balancer spec: loadBalancerIP: PUBLIC IP ADDRESS REMOVED type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 80 selector: app: azure-load-balancer ``` In my settings.json, I am using the Public IP Address of Azure and its respective DNS Name. Is there any other setting that needs to be changed in the above? Thanks, Nilay.

By Mohammad Abudayyeh staff 07 Sep 2020 at 2:15 a.m. CDT

Mohammad Abudayyeh gravatar
Hey Nilay, Unfortunately, the cloud native edition is not supported for community users. Please consider a support plan. Hint: Describe opendj-0 pod. I think you will find the persistent volume not being created. Thanks, Mohammad