By: Praveen Srinivasan user 23 Feb 2021 at 7:12 a.m. CST

5 Responses
Praveen Srinivasan gravatar
Hi Team, I was trying to take backup of client ID's from one GLUU 4.2 to another GLUU 4.2 environment. But the client secret which I used is causing error. If I remove client Secret and load it in ldap means it is working fine. Is there any way to import the client secret also?

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 23 Feb 2021 at 1:19 p.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
You mean that if you reset the client secret, it works. But when you import the ldif from your first gluu server ldap, it is not validating?

By Aliaksandr Samuseu staff 23 Feb 2021 at 3:06 p.m. CST

Aliaksandr Samuseu gravatar
Hi, Praveen. Could you provide an example LDIF you use when importing this client at the other Gluu Server? What command or tool do you use to conduct that import?

By Praveen Srinivasan user 24 Feb 2021 at 12:22 a.m. CST

Praveen Srinivasan gravatar
Hi @Michael.Schwartz, Yes when I remove secret from ldif and import then it is working fine. But if I import with secret it shows error. @Aliaksandr.Samuseu Here is the sample ldif and import command I've used for importing. ``` sh /opt/opendj/bin/ldapmodify --defaultAdd -p 1636 -Z -X -D 'cn=directory manager' -w MyPwd -f client.ldif ``` Ldif File ``` version: 1 dn: inum=d65bd688-5184-46a1-94a0-df19b926bcd1,ou=clients,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthClient objectClass: top displayName: DisplayName del: false inum: d65bd688-5184-46a1-94a0-df19b926bcd1 oxAccessTokenAsJwt: false oxAttributes: {"tlsClientAuthSubjectDn":null,"runIntrospectionScriptBeforeAc cessTokenAsJwtCreationAndIncludeClaims":false,"keepClientAuthorizationAfter Expiration":false,"allowSpontaneousScopes":false,"spontaneousScopes":[],"sp ontaneousScopeScriptDns":[],"backchannelLogoutUri":[],"backchannelLogoutSes sionRequired":false,"additionalAudience":[],"postAuthnScripts":[],"consentG atheringScripts":[],"introspectionScripts":[],"rptClaimsScripts":[]} oxAuthAppType: web oxAuthBackchannelUserCodeParameter: false oxAuthClientSecret: *60********nL****3h***== -> This is what creating problem oxAuthGrantType: authorization_code oxAuthGrantType: client_credentials oxAuthGrantType: password oxAuthInitiateLoginURI: oxAuthLogoutSessionRequired: false oxAuthRequireAuthTime: false oxAuthResponseType: code oxAuthResponseType: id_token oxAuthResponseType: token oxAuthScope: inum=43F1,ou=scopes,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=6D99,ou=scopes,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=764C,ou=scopes,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=C4F5,ou=scopes,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=F0C4,ou=scopes,o=gluu oxAuthSectorIdentifierURI: ridentifier/fab51948-4762-4faa-a2cd-26d76bb9240c oxAuthSubjectType: pairwise oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod: client_secret_basic oxAuthTrustedClient: false oxDisabled: false oxIncludeClaimsInIdToken: false oxPersistClientAuthorizations: true oxRptAsJwt: false ```

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 24 Feb 2021 at 1:39 p.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Did you make sure the `salt` file on your systems are the same?

By Praveen Srinivasan user 26 Feb 2021 at 12:52 a.m. CST

Praveen Srinivasan gravatar
Hi @Michael.Schwartz, Thanks for the hint. The I have updated the salt and now the import is working fine with the credentail.