By: Mateusz Bilski user 17 Mar 2015 at 10:35 a.m. CDT

3 Responses
Mateusz Bilski gravatar
Hello, Quick question. Do the Gluu Server and Gluu OpenDJ support Java 8? Regards

By Mohib Zico Account Admin 17 Mar 2015 at 10:50 a.m. CDT

Mohib Zico gravatar
I think we haven't tested it but then again asking our Engineers.

By Mateusz Bilski user 17 Mar 2015 at 10:59 a.m. CDT

Mateusz Bilski gravatar
I am asking because the public updates for Java 7 ends at April 2015 As far I known the Gluu OpenDJ is based on OpenDJ 2.6.0 which does not support Java 8. I am looking forward for more details. Thanks

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 17 Mar 2015 at 2:12 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
**We're using opendjk, not the Sun JDK.** We've been satisfied with the performance and stability of OpenDJ 2.6.0 running on OpenJDK 1.7, which is on version 80, and there have been no announcements about discontinuing security updates. For more information on the OpenJDK project, see their website. Normally the LDAP server is so much faster than the web services, that it hasn't been a big issue for us. There are proprietary options for higher performance LDAP servers, like ForgeRock's OpenDJ branch, and the UnboundID LDAP Server (which has the same schema and configuration as OpenDJ). Also, UnboundID in particular has a stellar LDAP proxy that can help you distribute the load (and break up large dataests) over many LDAP servers. Our goal with the LDAP infrastructure was to provide a stable platform that scales to up to six replicas for large datasets (up to 192G of memory per server). Once you get beyond this requirement, you have a serious persistence challenge, and you should get specialized support.