Ah ok, that did it. I can see it now.
However, when i go to remove the old cert from the keystore, it tells me:
keytool -delete -alias <hostname_of_your_Gluu_Server>_httpd -keystore cacerts
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file does not exist: cacerts
I am following the instructions found here: https://gluu.org/docs/ce/3.1.1/admin-guide/certificate/
Which keystore is used for httpd? There is no .jks for the httpd labeled keys. Here is what my /etc/certs directory lists:
root@auth:/etc/certs# ls
asimba.crt cert_creds.json httpd.key.orig idp-signing.csr openldap.key oxauth-keys.json shibIDP.csr
asimba.csr duo_creds.json idp-encryption.crt idp-signing.key openldap.key.orig passport-rp.jks shibIDP.jks
asimba.key gplus_client_secrets.json idp-encryption.csr idp-signing.key.orig openldap.pem passport-rp.pem shibIDP.key
asimba.key.orig httpd.crt idp-encryption.key openldap.crt openldap.pkcs12 passport-rs.jks shibIDP.key.orig
asimba.pkcs12 httpd.csr idp-encryption.key.orig openldap.csr otp_configuration.json scim-rs.jks shibIDP.pkcs12
asimbaIDP.jks httpd.key idp-signing.crt openldap.jks oxauth-keys.jks shibIDP.crt super_gluu_creds.json