Hello, jumping in to share some of my recommendations for you to try.
Are you using a chroot or -nochroot installation?
Especially for -nochroot 4.2.1 installation, it is recommended that you try and leverage /sbin/gluu-serverd script to start the Gluu server components. Format is 'gluu-serverd start/stop/status/restart/version'. You can modify the script to add delays between components. If your LDAP footprint is large or you sycnronize lots of data on start-up, introducing a delay to OpenDJ start may be good.
You would create a new system file for gluu-startup and copy contents of either opendj or oxauth system startup file.
Start this new gluu-startup system file after syslog.
Remember to systemctl disable oxauth/opendj/identity/idp/casa/passport ; so they no longer start automatically.
Check your HTTPD startup up to make sure there are no conflicts.
Please note that Cluster Manager is not a part of the gluu-serverd startup script.
If you need to use the individual system files for startup, it is good to play around with 'after' positions for each service.
OpenDJ must go first and it starts after the syslog. Not after the network please. Thsi way if something goes wrong there is a chance of some logs being captured. For some cases, especially high security environments with FIPS and SELinux enabled you may want to start HTTPD after OpenDJ.
OXAuth must go after that. The rest depends on the machine, OS, hardware, VM foot print, etc. Below is a most consistent sequence we have seen, hope it works for you, though remember, with system files we did not introduce delays..You still may need to test.
Our sequence:
IDP (Shibboleth)
Having HTTPD start before Oxauth is a must for the FIPS and SELinux enabled environments because it needs to allow/open the network connection for HTTPD. In other environments, you could have OpenDJ followed by Oxauth.
This is something to play with, check for conflicts. OpenDJ always goes first. HTTPD is a special case. OXAUTH second or third depending on the HTTPD case. Sequencing for the rest is up to your test or you can try our recommended approach first.