By: Akshay Kamalapuram Sridhar user 07 Mar 2021 at 4:38 p.m. CST

1 Response
Akshay Kamalapuram Sridhar gravatar
I tried to deploy wildcard certificate on the gluu server but got the following error: "Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server’s certificate." We followed the Apache Certificate specifications but we are still getting the same error. Updating Apache certificates doesnt specifically talk about Wildcard certificates. Could someone guide on how to set it up?

By Mohib Zico Account Admin 09 Mar 2021 at 10:15 p.m. CST

Mohib Zico gravatar
Hi Akshay, There shouldn't be any problem if you follow our official doc ( "Apache Certificate Installation" ). It's all same for single FQDN cert authority or any wildcard cert. Can you please record full procedure and share that with us? We wanna see what you are doing and will be able to understand what you are missing.