By: Aleksey Goodwood user 28 Oct 2021 at 1:43 a.m. CDT

1 Response
Aleksey Goodwood gravatar
I need to integrate Gluu 3.1.6 with Roundcube mail 1.5.0. But current problem is 401 error of Gluu. ``` RoundCube $config['assets_path'] = '/'; $config['oauth_provider'] = 'generic'; $config['oauth_provider_name'] = 'Gluu'; $config['oauth_client_id'] = '@!8533.87B8.9339.0918!0001!CD6C.0A70!0008!76CD.B7B6.CE69.854C'; $config['oauth_client_secret'] = 'supersecret'; $config['oauth_auth_uri'] = 'https://gluu.local/oxauth/restv1/authorize'; $config['oauth_token_uri'] = 'https://gluu.local/oxauth/restv1/token'; $config['oauth_identity_uri'] = 'https://gluu.local/oxauth/restv1/userinfo'; $config['oauth_scope'] = 'openid email profile'; $config['oauth_verify_peer'] = true; $config['oauth_auth_parameters'] = []; $config['oauth_identity_fields'] = null; $config['oauth_login_redirect'] = false; #$config['oauth_auth_parameters'] = ['access_type' => 'offline', 'prompt' => 'consent']; #$config['redirect_uri'] = 'https://mymail.local'; ``` ``` OPENID CONNECT CLIENTS DETAILS ------------------------------ - **Name:** mymail.local - **Client ID:** @!8533.87B8.9339.0918!0001!CD6C.0A70!0008!76CD.B7B6.CE69.854C - **Subject Type:** pairwise - **Expirattion date:** Mon Oct 27 00:00:00 UTC 2121 - **ClientSecret:** supersecret - **Application Type:** web - **Persist Client Authorizations:** true - **Pre-Authorization:** false - **Authentication method for the Token Endpoint:** client_secret_basic - **Logout Session Required:** false - **Include Claims In Id Token:** true - **Disabled:** false - **Login Redirect URIs:** [https://mymail.local/index.php/login/oauth] - **Scopes:** [email, openid, profile, user_name] - **Grant types:** [authorization_code] - **Response types:** [code] ``` ``` [28/Oct/2021:09:41:37 +0300] 0.003 0.003 https://gluu.local/oxauth/restv1/token POST HTTP/1.1 code=556a3622-d441-4a52-ae54-2e9aced9d757&client_id=%40%218533.87B8.9339.0918%210001%2 1CD6C.0A70%210008%2176CD.B7B6.CE69.854C&client_secret=supersecret&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmymail.local%2Findex.php%2Flogin%2Foauth&grant_type=authorization_code 401 ``` ``` {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Client authentication failed (e.g. unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method). The authorization server MAY return an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code to indicate which HTTP authentication schemes are supported. If the client attempted to authenticate via the Authorization request header field, the authorization server MUST respond with an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code, and include the WWW-Authenticate response header field matching the authentication scheme used by the client."} ``` Help me please!

By Mohib Zico Account Admin 21 Nov 2021 at 10:16 p.m. CST

Mohib Zico gravatar
3.1.6 is EOL for community support.