Hello Madhumita,
I believe that I have followed these steps thoroughly.
Following are steps which I have followed in detail:
I have created two applications (names- Web SDK , Admin API)according to the DUO docs. Then I have pasted its ikey,skey,akey,admin_api_ikey and admin_api_skey under the file named duo_creds.json (location - /etc/certs/ )inside the gluu server.
(Note- I have followed Duo Web SDK version 2 (v2) docs).
Then, I have configured script with properties (duo_creds_file,duo_host) mentioned in DUO plugin docs.
I copied these files(names - casa.xhtml , duologin.xhtml and fullwidth-template.xhtml)inside the gluu server.
Location - /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/pages/casa (Note - I had to create a new casa directory and then copied all files inside it.At first,the path was only till /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/pages/)
Also,I copied file (name - oxauth.properties)inside the gluu server(Chroot).
Location- - /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/i18n/
I created and configured custom attribute (name -oxDuoDevices) on Gluu admin portal.
(Note - 'oxDuoDevices' was present by default in LDAP at location /opt/opendj/config/schema/77-customAttributes.ldif in gluu server.)
I added DUO plugin on casa portal.
These are steps which I followed accordingly. Please note that DUO devices works on my gluu server successfully as a 2FA.Whereas, In casa it fails to register a device.
I have attached some screenshots and a video related about my configurations and problem I'm facing.
PFA for better understanding.
Mihir Bhusawalkar