Yes. As Gluu Server Administrator you should follow couple of points if you want to reboot your Gluu Cluster.
Please note that:
**Do not hard reboot your VM or do not reboot your all servers together / same time**
**If you want to reboot your Gluu cluster, you need to reboot one server at a time**
Here are steps which should be followed for a successful Gluu Cluster rebooting:
* SSH into VM.
* Become root
* Stop gluu server chroot containter with command:
/etc/init.d/gluu-server stop
* You will observe that one after another services are shutting down.... you
will see some messages like below:
Shutting down Gluu Chroot Server: Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Stopping shibd: [ OK ]
Stopping Tomcat Servlet Container...
Stopped Tomcat Servlet Container.
* Double check if all services are stopped properly or not. You can use command like:
pgrep -l 'java|shibd|memcached|nutcrecker|mysqld|httpd'
* Now reboot your VM.
* SSH into Node1.
* Start gluu server chroot containter ( it's opposite of #3 ) with command:
/etc/init.d/gluu-server start
* Wait for 5-10 mins, Your Gluu-server should start and begin processing requests.
* Now let's move for second node ( node2 ) and follow above steps.
That's how your should reboot your all VMs one after another in your cluster